Co-op position: Research Analyst, Behavioural Insights Unit, Ontario Treasury Board Secretariat
Academic background: Bachelor of Science in Health Studies with Gerontology Minor, University of Waterloo
Why did you choose Waterloo’s MPS program?
I choose Waterloo’s MPS program because of their strong emphasis on data analytics through their coding and research methods and data analysis courses, which is a strong skill to have in the public service. I also was drawn to their recognized co-op program, which would give valuable work experience.
Tell us about your current co-op position.
I work in the Behavioural Insights Unit (BIU) which is a part of the Centre of Excellence for Evidence-Based Decision-Making branch, which supports the application of a behavioural science lens in policy development and program implementation. Behavioural science provides insights into how people make decisions based on findings and methodologies from psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience to better understand human behaviour. With this scientific approach, we work with other ministries and public sector organizations to provide advisory services and to design and evaluate program solutions to help promote services that reflect people’s needs and make them more accessible and easier to use.
How did the MPS program, including your co-op experiences prepare you for a career?
The MPS program and its courses such as communications, project management, economics, public policy, and research methods prepared me to have the relevant skills working for in the public service. My co-op experiences have allowed me to try out different skills and sectors to narrow down my abilities and passions within a given job.
What are your favourite MPS moments?
My favourite MPS moments were the Policy Jam trip in Ottawa, Policy Datafest, Christmas potluck, Toronto networking event, our cohort outings together, and our many late-night study shenanigans in the MPS space.
What has been your most interesting experience working in the public service?
Be prepared to be asked to do things that are outside your comfort zone! For one of our current pilot projects, I was asked to recreate fax templates in Maestro, which is an e-mail marketing software used on our team for its mail merging capabilities. I did not have any experience working with Maestro and I was asked to recreate our fax templates using HTML code in which I have minimal knowledge. It was one of the most challenging tasks I have ever done, but it was very rewarding because we launched our faxes successfully across Ontario.
What advice do you have for someone interested in taking the MPS program?
Be organized! Write down all your due dates in a planner/calendar to help you track all your due dates. Remember to take breaks while working – it is easy to get stuck in a work bubble. Don’t be afraid to network and socialize with MPS alumni, they are great resources.
How has COVID-19 impacted your current work?
I have been working-from-home and normally my team has 10-15 projects going on. However, due to COVID-19 many of our projects have been put on hold due because of competing priorities of our partners.
Have you been working on any COVID-19 related policies?
Our team has provided behavioural insights advisory services to the Ministry of Health, the Ontario Digital Service, and Toronto Public Health for vaccine and mask compliance, hand washing practices, and contact tracing apps.