Why did you choose Waterloo's Master of Public Service Program?
I have always wanted to help people and make my community a better place, but I wasn’t entirely certain exactly how I wanted to accomplish this. I heard about the program from Sheila at a job fair at my university and knew that this would be a great opportunity. The program not only introduces you to the public service, but also grants access to amazing networking opportunities and Waterloo’s co-operative education program.
What are your favorite MPS moments?
The Policy Jam was an amazing experience. The opportunity to meet and present to people who were tackling pressing policy issues and have them supply invaluable feedback was absolutely a highlight. There were also so many intangible little moments that made the program a great experience, such as bowling with the Master of Public Service Student Association (MPSA), and the countless movie/karaoke nights in the MPS theater.
What was your position during your co-op employment?
I was a policy analyst on the Program Management and Performance Reporting team in the Office of Energy Research and Development. The office takes amazing breakthrough ideas in clean technology and makes them a reality by funding their research and development. My role was ensuring that our funding was targeting the best projects and providing good value for money.
Tell us about your current role and how you obtained it.
I was offered my current role through the Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program (PARDP) which recruits and advances policy analysts within Natural Resources Canada. The program is a series of three rotations with career progression after each rotation. This is my first rotation I’m expected to enter a new role within the department in June 2021.
Why do you want to work in the public service?
I really enjoy the work-life balance and the ability to switch positions frequently within the department and across the whole public service. I have also found the public service to be filled with dedicated and passionate individuals who are always willing to teach and to learn. This all adds up to an amazing work environment and work that I can take pride in.
What have you learned about yourself from the MPS program and your current career?
I learned that I can succeed in the public service. MPS showed me that I had the necessary skills to be a public servant and helped me gain a knowledge base to succeed, while my experience in the public service showed me that I really enjoy my work in the public service.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is the ability to see my programs make real progress in the clean energy sector. These projects have the potential to change the world and introduce technologies that we previously would have thought to be impossible. Being able to see a project from the initiation stage with little more than an idea and ultimately move towards making a functioning prototype is amazing and very fulfilling.
What advice would you give to someone who is interested in the program?
The program is an amazing choice. You don’t have to come from a policy background or even entirely understand what a public servant does because the program is very “beginner friendly” while also setting you up for success in your co-op placement and your eventual career. Co-operative education also gives you a significant advantage; government prefers to hire students so you will be first in line. The program represents an amazing opportunity and I hope you will seize it.
How has COVID-19 impacted your current work?
The government has moved to an entirely work from home model. Thankfully, our IT infrastructure has been more than sufficient and there are even talks to allow employees who wish to continue working from home to do so even after the pandemic has cleared. Otherwise my day to day tasks have not largely changed.
Have you been working on any COVID-19 related policies?
Yes, but not directly. My team has been supporting Natural Resources Canada’s return to work planning as many of our employees need access to our labs to perform their work. Also, we have been ensuring that our proponents, many of whom are pre-revenue, are provided funding in a timely manner.