background: English,
Studies, University
Why did you choose Waterloo's Master of Public Service Program?
I chose the Master of Public Service (MPS) program for its focus on becoming an effective public servant. I enjoy that we get the opportunity of being in co-op to get hands on experience. Lastly, I enjoy the courses that focus on key skills required to work as a public servant.
Why do you want to work in the public service?
I have a passion for projects that create a positive change in society. I have worked in non-profit and volunteered in community-based organizations in the past. I believe working in the government may be a more effective medium to create policies, projects and programs that have a positive impact in society.
What is your dream public service career?
My dream public service career would involve project planning and execution. I would love to be able to examine policy, and focus on creating and executing projects to fulfil the needs of the policy. I enjoy project management, project evaluation and problem solving. Therefore, having a focus on policy and project management would be my ideal throughout my career in public service.
What was it like to be a Waterloo MPS student?
It was overall good. I enjoyed the courses that offered practical skills that directly can be used in the workforce. The course material was mostly new to me, but for the most part, the professors do a great job of making the material understandable. I also enjoyed the classroom environment as it allowed me to know my peers quickly.
What are your favourite MPS moments?
Getting to know my peers, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know some great people. I also enjoy that I’ve been able to gain some employable and transferable skills in a relatively short amount of time.
What are your favourite MPS spots?
The whole space is great. I’ve had great conversations and laughs with my peers throughout the space.
What did you learn about yourself in the last six months?
I’ve learned to be a more effective leader, more specifically, I’ve learned to step up when leadership is required of me. Additionally, I’ve also broadened my ability to learn new material quickly.
What advice would you give to someone who is interested in the program?
Time management is essential. Get to know your peers. Get your resume, cover letter and interview skills refined well in advance of co-op. Immerse yourself in the content. Most of the material taught is related directly to your future career in public service.
What other wisdom do you wish to impart onto others?
Have a balance of social, academic, and extracurricular activities. Lastly, enjoy this program through the material and the classroom setting.