A Message from your FEDS Science Councillors

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Federation of Students (FEDS) Fall General Meeting agenda has been released and we are proud to support three motions calling for reforms to make FEDS more transparent, democratic, and accessible to student-members both at home and abroad. These proposed reforms include: Online voting at FEDS GMs, pay restructuring for execs and other elected officers of the student union, and a task force to explore reforms to empower the Student Council so it can do more for you!

Online Voting for General Meetings

We strongly advocate for Online Voting for FEDS General Meetings to make sure students on Co-op, those who work part-time to pay for school, and those in classes or labs still get a chance to vote for policies that affect them. If you’re not able to go, or just aren’t the political type, you should still be able to have a say in your student government. By coming to support online voting at GMs you will help ensure accountability for the Federation and help increase accessibility of the decision making.

Pay restructuring of Elected Officers

Did you know that FEDS Execs get over $48k in salary, nearly $5k in benefits, and nearly $4k in auxiliary benefits and honoraria? Did you also know that the FEDS Board and Student Council make nothing? We are proposing reducing Exec pay $9.5k per exec, bringing the total executive remunerations from one of the highest amongst Canadian student unions (per exec) to still above the median pay level for full-time student executive leaders across Canada. This pay decrease will allow for a monthly stipend of $80.00 per Councilor and $120 per Board member who work hard to represent their student constituents and protect the corporation from liability, respectively. This restructuring will attract talent student government by rewarding their efforts and it also saves students $4000.00 CAD a year! What’s not to love about making your student union more attractive for participation and saving you money?

GM Engagement Student Council Reforms Proposal

Together with FEDS President, Antonio Brieva, we have proposed created a student government task force with a 1 year mandate to address the concerns with student engagement in General Meetings and explore the potential avenue for Student Council to be restructured as a Meeting of Delegates to act as a gathering of the general assembly of members of the corporations between biannual GMs. This task force would look at how to improve the structure of the General Meeting during the auspices of the Corporations Act, RSO 1990 and the Non-for-Profit Corporations Act, RSO 2010 (not in force yet) to improve student participation and enhance corporate functionality and efficiency in student government. Students often complain of the glacial pace of student politics at Waterloo. Students lament with irritation the lack of progress it seems FEDS makes on many tasks. Students eschew the colossal bureaucracy of the organization and its internal operations through apathy. What’s the best way to address this? How can we reform to help address these concerns? Together institutional insiders from the Board and Executive will work with ardent reformers from the Student Council and at-large student body to create bylaw changes for a more effective, more transparent, and more accountable student union.

Come out on 24 October 2017 at 12:30 for #BrunchAndBylaws to participate in your student union and help push through necessary reforms to create a more attractive, more compassionate, and more responsible student government. 

Have a concern? Want to change FEDS Policies or present your own ideas to the Science Council? Contact us.

***DISLCAIMER: The views or opinions expressed herein are not those of the Materials & Nanoscience Society, this information is student government information being shared with Science Students as per Federation of Students, Science Society and MNS Society mandate.***