Term Action Summary: Spring 2017
Science Society Board of Directors
Throughout the term, the Science Society held a total of 6 Board of Directors meetings. During these meetings, the Board welcomed presentations from CECA, Waterloo Works, and others. And the Board discussed, considered, and voted on several items with the aim of serving the Science student community to the best ability of the members of the Board. A summary of the actions taken by the Board of Directors is listed below, and further information can be found in the meeting minutes on the Science Society webpage.
Voted for a conditional lift of CECA censure after the CECA sufficiently addressed student concerns with the timely implementation of policy changes to reflect the publication of employment statistics, greater financial transparency, and an anonymous concerns/complaints reporting methods, as well as the implementation of the new Rate-My-Work term feature.
Met regularly with Franco at CECA to better communication between the students and CECA.
Met with WaterlooWorks to speak about changes made and to be made in the future.
Conducted a survey across faculties – 383 responses, 100 from science students – for WaterlooWorks feedback and changes students want to see which was used by the FEDS Co-op Student Council and the CECA to update the new WaterlooWorks interface.
Conducted internal review survey of executives, member clubs and directors to review the direction, weaknesses, and strengths of the organization.
Voted to freeze the funding of WatRox for the term and allowed for it to be carried into the following term due to violations of Science Society Policies & Procedures regarding meeting attendance and event advertisement. This excluded collaborative events already planned with other clubs.
Ensured that WatRox has adequate transition documents made for the following term to avoid future errors.
Ensured that sufficient advertisement is prepared by all clubs for all events in future terms, including expanding the role of VP Internal to oversee clubs’ communication and increase student engagement.
Met with Waterloo Nanotechnology Conference (WNC) and agreed to help market the conference to the Science student community; approved the Materials & Nanoscience Society (MNS) to help fund and manage the WNC 2017 Conference; supported the WNC’s Faculty of Science Foundation (FSF) bid for Faculty of Science financial support.
Attended OSSA Leadership conference and documented noteworthy takeaway points to better enrich our student government to function as efficiently as possible.
Discussed and investigated the viability of Coffee and Donut Shop (CnD) Debit machine, decided to wait until Winter to implement Debit at the CnD.
Voted to lobby FEDS Board, Council, and the Committee of Presidents (CoPs) of the Faculty Societies to implement online voting in FEDS General Meetings in order to increase voter turnout.
Encouraged BMSA to have open communication and active involvement in SciSoc and the Biology Undergraduate Society (BUGS) and providing BMSA a non-voting seat on the SciSoc Board of Directors, ensuring Biomedical students will be represented within SciSoc.