About Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Graduate Association

This club shall exist for the purpose of:

  • Participating in the development of policies (academic and administrative) in the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (MME) department
  • Participating in the affairs and development of policies affecting graduate students at the University of Waterloo, through the election of a representative to the Graduate Student Association (GSA), and
  • To promote social interaction among Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Graduate Association (MMEGA) members, particularly between different research groups


  • This club agrees to adhere to the stated regulations of the University of Waterloo GSA


  • All registered graduate students in the MME department shall be considered members of MMEGA
  • To act as a representative body for the academic, social and administrative affairs that affect MME graduate students at the University of Waterloo


  • Every executive must be a UWaterloo graduate student enrolled in a graduate program with the MME department
  • While not explicitly stated, every executive member may be delegated tasks by other executives, in order to aid in event planning and preparation
  • Check out roles and duties for detailed responsibilities of MMEGA executive members

Term of Office

  • Executives hold their position for a maximum of three terms before applying for re-election, during which time other students may apply for the position and be eligible for election
  • There is no maximum for the number of times an executive member may be re-elected to the same position
  • Should an executive member resign before three terms have elapsed, the executive resigning is responsible for finding and suggesting a temporary replacement to the remainder of the MMEGA executive (for their approval), until another general meeting and election can be held


  • The executive council must organize an election when an executive member’s three terms have elapsed, or if they choose to end their executive membership early
  • Elections shall be held at a general meeting, where all executives and MMEGA members may vote
  • Should more than one person be applying for position, in the case of a tie another vote will be held; should a tie re-occur, the existing executive members shall decide the winner of the vote
  • After an election, each executive member is responsible for training their successor

Amending the constitution

This constitution can be amended only by a simple majority vote at any meeting.