Roles and duties


  • Determines when meetings are held

  • Sets the agenda and chairs all meetings

  • Supervises the other executives

  • Oversees any Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Graduate Association (MMEGA) related activities

  • Acts as the official representative of the club and MME graduate students

  • Oversees the use of a $2000 per term spending budget

  • Delegates tasks for other executives if necessary

Vice President

  • Help the president with:
    • Presidential tasks
    • Communicating with associate Chair and department's chair
    • Communicating with Wellness coordinator

Vice President Finance

  • Coordinate with president to oversee the use of a $1000 per term fund

  • Sets the term budget

  • Coordinates with MME finance officer for reimbursements

  • Applies for new sources of funding through Graduate student initiatives fund or the Graduate Student Endowement Fund

Vice President Social

  • Organizes at least one social event for MMEGA members each term
  • Organizes sports teams consisting of MMEGA members for any on-campus intramural based on members' interests
  • Delegates tasks related to organizing social events to other executives as necessary
  • Responsible for pursuing funding from the department and/or Graduate Student (GSA) for events

Vice President Communications

  • Takes meeting minutes during executive and general meetings
  • Responsible for advertising MMEGA events through any media such as poster, email, UWaterloo Daily Bulletin, etc.
  • Maintains the MMEGA website, including posting of meeting minutes in a publicly accessible manner

GSA Representative

  • Represents the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (MME) department at GSA meetings
  • Provides information regarding GSA meetings, events and news to MMEGA executive during executive meetings
  • Facilitates discussions should any graduate student related policy issue arise between GSA and the MME department, if needed
  • May have additional responsibilities to the GSA as a representative of the MME department

MMEGA Wellness Representative

  • Serves as the primary liaison between the ENGWellness program (and the MME Wellness Coordinator) and MMEGA for wellness related initiatives designed to support MME grad students
  • Serve as an advocate for wellness in the Faculty of Engineering, MME department and point of contact for MME grad students looking to access wellness related support and resources
  • Work with student-directed teams to help raise awareness and educate on grad student wellness issues in the department/faculty
  • In collaboration with the MME Wellness Coordinator, facilitate wellness-related events in MME for grad students (additionally, provide support for VP Social in generating grad student participation for MMEGA social/networking events)
  • Serve as a positive role model for student wellness in MME

M.Eng. Representative

  • Shall be a student enrolled in the Master of Engineering degree (M.Eng.) program
  • Ensures that students enrolled within the M.Eng. program are appropriately represented within MMEGA
  • Facilitates discussions should any academic/policy issue arise between M.Eng. graduate students and the MME department, if needed
  • Assists with organizing other club activities, if their schedule allows


  • Assists other executive members if necessary
  • Provides ideas and suggestions for improving MMEGA