I am an MEng student in Mechatronics Program. Started my journey in this amazing University this Fall 2021. I hail from Bangalore a southern Part of India. For a couple of years, I gained interest in finance and its working possibilities. Hence, I will be serving as a Vice-president of Finance. Along with that, I love Automobiles, their working and designing a few things, that’s what gave me the motivation to get into the field of Mechanical. Moreover, I love all types of outdoor activities such as trekking, hiking along with some sports such as Basketball (I used to be a District Player back in my school days), Cricket, Badminton, squash. Throw me any outdoor sports I would play and enjoy it. I am that crazy about games.
I would love to support the MME graduate student community and ensure that you have a great experience in the department of Mechanical and Mechatronics. Feel free to reach out to me via Waterloo Mail id. / Via MMEGA platform.