Russel is Awarded the OGS!
Congratulations to Russel for being the first member of the Murphy group to receive the Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Well done!
Congratulations to Russel for being the first member of the Murphy group to receive the Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Well done!
Congratulations to Amy and Farhana for all of your hard work over the past couple semesters. This was an outstanding level of productivity by undergraduate researchers. The paper on chlorination of oxindole derivatives has been accepted to Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.
The first publication from the Murphy/Nazar organic electrolyte collaboration has been accepted to Advanced Energy Materials.
Congrats to all!
Congrats on the excellent talk!
Congratulations on the award Russel!
Russel and Abhi have joined the Murphy/Nazar coalition for the design and synthesis of organic electrolytes.
Also, our Coop student Geoff has joined the group to work on the activation step of our fluorination reaction.
Welcome to the group guys!
Jason was selected on the basis of his demonstrated ability and promise in research and his performance in his graduate courses.
Congratulations on the award, and don't spend it all in one place (unless it's taking the group to Korean BBQ).
Ryan and Farhana are done their coop placements and now they head back to school. Amy is done her eight-month placement and is headed back to Newcastle.
Thank you all for the hard work you've put in over the past semester(s) and good luck with your studies.
May 1st Update - The balance has been cleaned, and isn't isatin-orange anymore. Hooray!!!
Congratulations on the excellent talk! Very well done.
Jason Tao is the first graduate student in the group ever to be awarded the NSERC PGS-D award. On behalf of the whole group, congratulations!