Jason is awarded the OGS and Humphrey
Congratulations to Jason Tao on receiving the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and, for the second time, the Charles S. Humphrey Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry.
Congratulations to Jason Tao on receiving the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and, for the second time, the Charles S. Humphrey Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry.
Welcome Ben!
Zhao and KK's paper on denitrogenative dihalogenation of benzaldehyde hydrazones is accepted in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.
Congratulations to you both!
Congratulations Abhi on this excellent achievement. Best of luck in your PhD studies!
Congratulations Tristan!
Thank you to all Murphy Group members for your hard work over the last 5 years. A large part of this accomplishment is due to your efforts.
A pool party will be scheduled in the warmer months to celebrate this news.
Congratulations to Isabel, Chris and Farhana on your excellent thesis presentations.
Well done, all of you!
Thanks for all your hard work over the past 6 months.
Tongtong has joined the group for the Winter 2017 semester. She is a visiting CSC scholar who will be working on new chlorination reactions of HVI. Welcome!
Nomaan Nadeem joins the group as a coop student for Winter 2017.
Welcome Nomaan!
Dr. Leanne Racicot finished her PhD at the University of British Columbia in the group of Marco Ciufolini, and she has joined the Murphy lab to work on developing new fluorination reactions with HVI reagents.
Welcome Leanne!