Open Education Week is March 7th – 11th, 2022 and Sask Polytech Library will be hosting a series of events.
Open Education Week was launched in 2012 by Open Education Global as a collaborative, community-built open forum. Every year OE Week raises awareness and highlights innovative open education successes worldwide. OE Week provides practitioners, educators, and students with an opportunity to build a greater understanding of open educational practices and be inspired by the wonderful work being developed by the community around the world. More information on Open Education Week is available here: More information on Open Education Week is available here.
Title: Engaging with Open Education Practices and Lowering Barriers for Diverse Learners with Urooj Nizami
Presenter: Urooj Nizami, Open Education Strategist at Kwantlen Polytechnic
Description: In this presentation, Urooj will make the case for OEP-enabled pedagogy by sharing her experiences leveraging existing expertise and resources toward supporting scalable and effective OER initiatives. Join this session to learn about pragmatic steps toward engagement with open educational practices and ways of lowering barriers for diverse constituents of learners.
Date and Time: Monday, March 7th, 11am-12pm
Title: If it ain’t broke, break it! How I opened up my lesson plan, hit delete and started trusting my students. An exploration of Open pedagogy and TVET
Presenter: Chad Flinn, Dean of Trades & Technology, Medicine Hat College
Description: This presentation will discuss the current state of vocational education (from a Canadian context), how OER and OEP can benefit vocational education (cost savings as well as pedagogical benefits), and present methods being employed in Chad’s practice that are seeing beneficial results.
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 9th, 1130am-1230pm
Title: Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education
- Kayla Lar-Son, Indigenous programs and services librarian for the Xwi7xwa library at UBC, and program manager librarian for Indigitization.
- Donna Langille, settler scholar, and Community Engagement and Open Education Librarian at the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus.
- Tashia Kootenayoo, current President of the University of British Columbia Students’ Union Okanagan.
- Naim Cardinal, Educational Facilitator with UBC Okanagan’s Indigenous Programs and Services team.
- Brad Wuetherick, Métis scholar of higher education teaching and learning, and Associate Provost, Academic Programs, Teaching and Learning at UBC Okanagan.
Description: Many conversations around open education (OE) focus on a Eurocentric framework of copyright and intellectual property rights that are sometimes in tension with Indigenous knowledge systems. In this session presenters will discuss an ‘in the works’ edited volume which centres inIndigenous ways of knowing, culture, experiences, and worldviews within the work of open education pedagogy and advocacy work.
Date and Time: Friday, March 11th, 12-1pm
Title: Technology Enhanced Learning and Open Pedagogy with Dr. Alec Couros
- Dr. Alec Couros
Description: Online and blended classrooms can provide rich opportunities for learning, but designing and facilitating technology-enhanced courses comes with unique challenges. In this session, Dr. Alec Couros will outline how open pedagogical practices can support the development of rich, collaborative learning environments. Topics addressed will include community building in online courses, integrating rich, student-driven, multimedia assignments and assessments, and developing networks for ongoing professional learning.
Date and Time: Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022 3:30-4:30pm