Despite living in a world with a large, aging population, not all of us have direct personal access to older adults.

Eight Life Stories
Designed to be used as either a stand-alone tool or incorporated into courses and programs, it includes eight unique videos where older Canadians from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds tell their life stories.

Neiterman and Tong’s OER was designed for this exact purpose: to be reused and modified for anyone interested in these kinds of stories. Housed on eCampusOntario’s Open Library Publishing Platform, it is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence, which permits copying, reuse, and modification by anyone, anywhere in the world.
Stories can be viewed altogether or one at a time, said Neiterman. Instructors are therefore able to customize and embed these videos as part of their own content, highlighting elements relevant to their individual needs.
Student collaborators
Neiterman and Tong feel that this OER is a success because of the level of student involvement. Neiterman called it a “collaborative experience” where she and Tong acted mainly as facilitators, guiding the project while the students found older adults to interview, collected the data, and added their reflections on the experience.

The students also helped tap into a more diverse community than an instructor might have access to. For example, one interview was done entirely in Italian and the student involved then provided an English transcript.
Neiterman (right) and Tong (left) share the same philosophy that teaching is about engagement with students and listening to their voices. “This whole project is for students,” Neiterman said. And with this unique focus on the students and their direct involvement in the project, Neiterman and Tong are confident that Life Stories of Older Adults is an educational tool many students and educators will find valuable.
Image: OE Week 2023. [Graphic]. Used under CC BY 4.0.
Image: Neiterman, E., Tong, C. (2023). Life Stories of Older Adults: Insights on Life and Aging. Used under CC By NC SA 4.0.