My OER project

I'm currently working on developing a library of resources to replace a textbook for a first-year Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS) course. Specifically, a learning module will be created to deliver content that supports the objectives of Universal Design for Learning in RLS and allows for the evaluation of the module’s effectiveness. This model can then be referenced again in upper-year courses by both students and instructors.
What prompted you to become involved in OER?
I was initially motivated to become involved in OER because of the financial burden I was witnessing among students in my classrooms. I've since been able to see the sense of relief and gratitude among my students as I switched to OER. Now, I'd like to provide the opportunity for other instructors to make the switch as well and am creating new resources for Recreation and Leisure Studies.
What guidance would you share with an instructor considering OER for the first time?
It can feel difficult and time-consuming at first, but it is well worth it when you realize the impact you are having on your students overall health and well-being. There are many resources available to you, so take advantage of them!
Can other instructors interested in OER reach out to you?
Yes, at