
I am involved in the development of MATH 136 and MATH 235 (Linear Algebra 1 and 2) courseware - which include the course textbooks and fully solved exercises and problems.
What prompted you to become involved in OER?
Two big reasons: 1) The exorbitant pricing of standard math textbooks, and 2) The depressing tendency of universities nowadays to put everything behind a "paywall" (LMS log-in page).
I strongly believe that educational resources should be freely available to all students who seek them out.
Some instructors are hesitant about OER. Do you share those hesitations? How do you address them?
I have not actually met anyone who is hesitant about OER. Everyone seems to be supportive of the idea of OER in general, but not very motivated to do anything actionable about implementing it in their courses. This motivational / lack-of-action issue is something I think about a lot (and I am guilty of it too).
Can other instructors interested in OER reach out to you?
Yes, at