Get involved!

How to get involved!

Class elections take place during the first week of classes for the first years. This includes electing a Class President and Vice President and Social, Sports, Equipment and Student Relations Representatives. University of Waterloo Optometry Student Society executives are elected during the winter term of first year. They serve the role of executive elects during their second year and in their third year, they become the executives of the Society. Please read on for more details!

President of the Society

The President is a third year student in charge of representing the Society in University/School of Optometry administration and Federation of Students affairs, calling and chairing monthly Council meetings. They are in charge of training the president-elect.

VP-Internal of the Society

The VP-Internal is a third year student that assists the President with their duties. The Vice President will coordinate and assist the committees (Sports, Social etc) in planning and organizing annual events. They are in charge of training the VP-Internal Elect.

VP-Communications of the Society

The VP-Communications is a third year student that is responsible for maintaining accurate records for the minutes of Council and Society meetings and managing social media accounts and society website. They are in charge of training the VP-Communications Elect.

VP-Finance of the Society

The VP-Finance is a third year student that is responsible for maintaining accurate records of Society finance and overseeing budgets for all committees. They are in charge of training the VP-Finance Elect.

Chief Returning Officer

The Chief Returning Officer (CRO) can be a member of a 2nd or 3rd year class. This person will conduct all society elections and polls.

Executive Elects

At the end of first year, four students will be elected as Executive Elects and be trained by the corresponding executive member. Elects will be involved in planning and organizing events with the Executive.

Class President

The Class president will maintain lines of communication between faculty/administration and his/her class; represent their class in meetings of Faculty Council and Undergraduate Studies, meet individually, on behalf of their class, with the Associate Director of Academics & Research and the Director where necessary; hold regular class collect and be responsible for the administration of a class fund.

Class Vice-President

The Class VP will assist the President with their duties and gather information from their class in regards to WatSEF fund allocation and communicate information to 3rd year Vice President.

Social representatives

Four First year social reps are responsible for planning, budgeting and fundraising for the annual Halloween Party “The EyeScream” and annual Formal “The EyeBall.”

Sports representatives

Four Sports Reps for each year are responsible for organizing class apparel (1st year), planning the annual Hockey Tournament “The Corneal Cup” (3rd year), Volleyball Tournament “The Sands of Sahara" (2nd year) and Curling Tournament “The Optomspiel” (1st year).

Equipment representatives

Four Equipment Reps for each class are responsible for organizing and facilitating presentations from ophthalmic equipment companies. 

Student relations representatives 

Four First year Student Relations Reps are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and organization of student run spaces. They are also in charge of planning mental health initiatives within the optometry school and in accordance with the Thrive events on main campus.