Rock Ages

The Peter Russell Rock Garden Rocks sorted by Eon, youngest to oldset.

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Picture Rock Name Rock Number Rock Age Time Period
glacial striae
Glacial Striae (Scratches) on Lorrain Quartzite  32 Less than 1 million years old Quarternary
granite gneiss
Granite Gneiss Boulder 11 2-1 Million years old Quaternary
  Garnet Rich Gabbroic Anorthosite 69 2.5-0.5 Million years old Tertiary
Shatter cones
Shatter Cones Structures Sudbury Impact Center 40 2.5-0.5 Million years old Tertiary
Columnar Basalt
Columnar Basalt with Peridotite Xenoliths  58 50 Million years old Tertiary
Columnar Dacite
Columnar Dacite showing flow banding 57 50 Million years old Tertiary
Porphritic biotite granite
Porphyritic Biotite Granite 64 60 Million years old Tertiary
  Massive Sulphide Ore 80 110 - 65 million years ago  Cretaceous 
  Columnar Basalt 75 201 Million years ago   Jurassic
  Petrified Wood 76 225 Million years ago Triassic
  Red-beds Sandstone 78 295 Million years ago Permian 
Anthracite coal
Anthracite Coal 68 318-299 Million years old Carboniferous
  Wallace Sandstone 77 323-299 Million years old Carboniferous
Zinc Lead Ore
Sediment-hosted Zinc-lead ore 73 338 Million years old Carboniferous
Frank Slide Boulder
Frank Slide Boulder 55 350-300 Million years old Carboniferous
Nephrite Jade
Nephrite Jade 65 359-299 Million years old Carboniferous
Columbus Limestone
Columbus Limestone 35 380 Million years old Devonian
  Red Granite 72 428-426 Million years old Silurian
  Dolostone with Calcite  26-27 440-420 Million years old Silurian
Lockport Dolostone
Lockport Dolostone 25 440-420 Million years old Silurian
Tyndall Stone
Tyndall Stone 63 450 Million years old Ordovician
  Ophiolites 74 485 Million years old Ordovician
Periditie inclusions in serpentinite
Peridotite inclusion in Serpentinite 67 488-443 Million years old Ordovician
Serpentinite  66 488-443 Million years old Ordovician
  Lead-Zinc Ore 79 541-485 million years ago  Cambrian


Picture Rock Name Rock Number Rock Age  Time Era
Potsdam sandstone in the Peter Russell Rock Garden
Potsdam Sandstone 29-31 545-248 Million years old Neopoterozoic Eta - Phanerzoic, Permain Time Period
Calcite concretions in the Peter Russell Rock Garden
Calcite Concretion  39 545-248 Million years old Neopoterozoic Eta - Phanerzoic, Permain Time Period
Fossil Coral Colony Favosites
Fossil Coral Colony Favosites  38 545-248 Million years old Neopoterozoic Eta - Phanerzoic, Permain Time Period
Laminated Eramosa dolostone
Laminated Eramosa Dolostone 28 545-248 Million years old Neopoterozoic Eta - Phanerzoic, Permain Time Period
Amabel Dolostone
Amabel Formation, Dolostone 24 545-248 Million years old Neopoterozoic Eta - Phanerzoic, Permain Time Period
Slate 60 545-248 Million years old Neopoterozoic Eta - Phanerzoic, Permain Time Period
Jacobsville sandstone in the Peter Russell Rock Garden
Jabobsville Sandstone 9 Approximately 550 Million years old Neoproterozoic
Larvikite in the Peter Russell Rock Garden
Larvikite  16 Approximately 1 Billion years old Neoproterozoic
Gneiss 10 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Micaeous quartzite
Muscovite-Rich Quartzite 12 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Calcite garnet pyroxcene
Calcite Garnet Pyrite 33 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Magnetite skarn
Magnetite Skarn 34 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Garent epidote
Epidote Garnet Skarn 36 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Sodalite syenite
Sodalite Syenite  41 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Nepheline syenite
Nepheline Syenite 43 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Folded marble
Folded Marble 44 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Rose quartz
Rose Quartz 46 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Chalcopyrite 47 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Nickle ore
Nickel-Copper Ore 48 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Stromatolite fossils
Stromatolite Fossils 50 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Amethyst in breccia
Amethyst Quartz Breccia 51 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Granite 54 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
50th anniversary gneiss
50th Aniverssary Gneiss 59 1 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Labradorite 56 1.5 Billion years old Mesoproterozoic
Metabasalt 62 Approximately 2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Anorthosite 37 2.5-0.5 Billion years old Paleoprotozoic-Neoproterzoic
Porphry diabase
Porphyritic Diabase 18 2.5-1 Billion years old Paleoprotozoic-Neoproterzoic
Jasper Conglomerate
Lorrain Jasper Conglomerate 1 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Lorrain Quartztie
Lorrain Quartzite 2 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Green Lorrain Quartzite
Green Lorrain Quartzite 3 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Gordon Lake cherty siltstone
Gordon Lake Cherty Siltstone 4 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Gowganda conglomerate
Gowganda Boulder Conglomerate 5 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Matinenda conglomerate
Matinenda Conglomerate 6 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Keweenawan conglomerate in the Peter Russell Rock Garden
Keweenawan Conglomerate 7 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Keweewanan basalt
Keweenawan Basalt 8 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Serpentine marble
Serpentine Marble 45 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Stromatolite marble
Stromatolite Marble 49 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Transition zone rock
Transition Zone between Lorrain Qaurtzite and Gordon Lake Siltstone 52 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Lepidolite 61 2.5-2.2 Billion years old Paleoproterozoic
Purple Quartzite
Purple Lorrain Quartizite  53 2.64 Billion years old Neoarchean
Giant mine breccia
Shear-hosted lode gold in Breccia 70 2.7 Billion years old Neoarchean
Quartz Carbonate Fuchsite Serpentinite
Quartz Carbonate Fuchsite Serpentinite 13 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Carbonated basalt with Qaurtz Veins
Carbonated Basalt with Quartz Veins 14 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Carbonated mafic and feslic igneous rocks
Carbonated Mafic and Felsic Igneous Rocks with Green chrome Mica Quartz veins and Pyrite 15 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Aphyric syenite dyke
Altered Pyroxenite with Aphyric syenite dikes 17 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Gold ore in the Peter Russell Rock Garden
Gold Ore 19 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Banded iron formation (magnetite)
Banded Iron Formation (Magnetite)  20 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Siderite  21-22 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Cobalt-Nickle Vein
Cobalt-Nickel Vein  23 3.8-2.5 Billion years old Eoarchean-Mesoarchean
Ancasta Gneiss
Oldest Rock in the World Tonalitic Gneiss 71 4.03-3.96 Billion years old Eoarchean