
A current copy of the Constitution and all applicable Bylaws can be downloaded here: PGSA Constitution Updated 2024

PGSA Constitution

October 24, 2017

A By-Law relating to the constitution of the Philosophy Graduate Student Association – University of Waterloo.

1.                Name

The name of the association shall be the “Philosophy Graduate Student Association – University of Waterloo” hereinafter referred to as “the PGSA”.

2.                Territorial acknowledgement

The PGSA acknowledges that University of Waterloo is on the Dish With One Spoon Territory: the traditional lands of the Attawandaron Nation, Anishinaabek (Three Fires Confederacy and Mississauga), Rotinonshón:ni (Six Nations Confederacy), Wyandot People, and the Métis Nation of Ontario. The University of Waterloo is located specifically on Block 2 of the Haldimand Tract, which extends six miles on either side of the Grand River.

3.                Equality acknowledgement

The PGSA acknowledges that all persons have an equal right to dignity, respect, and security of the person. The PGSA will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment that violates these rights. This includes, but is not limited to, discriminatory or harassing speech or conduct made against persons’ ability, age, ethnic origin, gender identity or expression, language, race, religion, sexual identity or expression, skin colour, and socio-economic status.

4.                Objectives

The PGSA shall be the sole representative body of the graduate students in the Department of Philosophy.

The PGSA shall promote and represent any or all of the mutual interests of its members, as well as the operation and promotion of a Philosophy graduate student society.

The PGSA shall promote and maintain communication with the Department of Philosophy and its faculty members, and represent its full members and their interests within the University.

The PGSA shall administer its affairs within the limits prescribed by the PGSA’s Constitution and By-Laws, applicable University of Waterloo policies and procedures, and provincial and federal statues.

The PGSA shall endeavor to aid individual full members with specific problems related to the Department of Philosophy, both as students and as employees.

The PGSA shall act to stimulate social and intellectual contact among its members.

5.                Membership

All students registered as full- or part-time graduate students in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Waterloo shall be full members of the PGSA.

All full members of the PGSA shall be entitled to vote in PGSA elections and referenda.

6.                Executive

The administrative authority of the PGSA shall be vested in the Executive of the PGSA.

The Executive of the PGSA shall consist of the President or two Co-Presidents, Administrator or two Co-Administrators, Treasurer or two Co-Treasurers, PhD Representative, MA Representative, and University of Waterloo Graduate Student Association (GSA) Representative.

The election of the Executive shall normally take place at the Annual General Meeting of the membership. Executive members shall be elected by a majority vote of the members attending that meeting.

If the membership elects Co-Presidents, Co-Administrators, or Co-Treasurers, the confidence of the membership is placed in both persons jointly and not individually. The resignation or removal of one of the two persons in a jointly-held Executive position means that the remaining person no longer holds that position. The remaining person may be nominated to fill the vacancy.

One member may hold more than one Executive position at a time; however, no member may hold the position of Treasurer or Co-Treasurer while also holding the position of President or Co-President, and no member may hold the position of GSA representative while also holding the position of MA or PhD representative.

The term of office of the Executive shall ordinarily be for one year, from one Annual General Meeting until the following Annual General Meeting.

Members of the Executive may be nominated for an Executive position in the following year.

Members of the Executive who have completed their degree requirements may, but are not obliged, to complete their full term as a member of the Executive.

Members of the Executive who take a leave or withdraw from studies shall be deemed to have resigned from their positions.

Should an Executive position become vacant, a by-election for that position shall take place as soon as possible.

The duties of the Executive shall be set out in a separate By-Law.

7.                Removal of Executive from office

A member of the Executive may only be removed from office for cause. A representative list of such causes and the procedure for removing a member of the Executive from office shall be set out in a separate By-Law. This procedure must include introducing a motion to remove the member of the Executive from office. The vote on a final motion for removal must be done by secret ballot, and two-thirds of the votes must be cast in favour of the motion for it to be carried.

8.                Annual General Meeting of the membership

The PGSA shall hold an Annual General Meeting for the election of an Executive no later than the fourth week of the Fall term in each academic year.

9.                Dissolution

Should the membership of the PGSA vote to dissolve the PGSA, then the President or Co-Presidents and Treasurer or Co-Treasurers shall work with the Department of Philosophy’s Chair and Graduate Officer to settle all accounts and to assign any remaining assets to the Department for the benefit of the graduate student community.

10.           Amendments to the Constitution

This Constitution may be amended only by a simple majority of votes cast in a referendum called for such a purpose. Proposed amendments must be available to the membership for at least the three weeks immediately preceding such a referendum.

11.           Amendments to the By-Laws

The By-Laws of the PGSA may be amended by passing an ordinary motion at a meeting of the membership. Proposed amendments must be available to the membership for at least one week immediately before such a vote.

12.           History

Passed and enacted by the membership on October 24, 2017

Witnesses: Phillippe Bériault, Jay Solanki, David (YeounJun) Park, Haider Riaz, Chris Wass, Amanda Plain, Vanessa Lam, Jim Jordan, Oliver Oxton.