Zachary’s work sits at the nexus of Drama, Technology, and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). With a background as a director (MFA), actor, and technician, he has investigated ethnographic shifts towards immersive and extended virtual reality (VR and XR, respectively) in the live performance sector and broader HCI research community. Leveraging the parallels between XR and Drama as cathartic encounters wherein the participants (audience) suspend their disbelief and engage in layered realities, Zach positions actors as interaction specialists capable of existing in multiple states of being simultaneously, making them ideal collaborators in immersive HCI research. Zachary’s research goals are twofold: 1) use XR to support and enhance live performance and 2) incorporate principles and practices from Drama to create more holistic, user-centred immersive experiences; he seeks to enhance interaction while mitigating the adverse side effects of contemporary VR technology.