Professor, PhD., Professional Engineer (PEng), Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (FIEEE), University Research Chair

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Centre for Environmental Information Technology (EIT) 3106
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 33757
Magdy Salama's Curiculum Vitae (PDF)
Teaching and supervision
Office hours: By appointment (email or call)
ECE = Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 6617PD: Asset Management and Risk Assessment of Power Systems
- ECE 6616PD: Electric Safety and Grounding System Design
- ECE 6605PD: Power System Protection
- ECE 668: Distribution System Engineering
- ECE 760: Power System Transients
- ECE 126 : Introduction to Electrostatics, Magnetism and Electronics
- Mechanical Engineering (ME) 269 : Electromechanical Devices and Power Processing
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and visitors
A) Former students
- M. Elnashar, PhD 2011, Enabling high wind penetration in electrical grids.
- A. Abu Elanien, PhD 2011, Transformer health assessment and techno-economic end of life evaluation
- M. Mukerji, MASc 2011, Optimal siting and sizing of solar photovoltaic distributed generation to minimize loss, present value of future asset upgrades and peak demand costs on a real distribution feeder
- G. Gilbert, PhD 2010, Grounding system design
- Y. Alhazmi, MASc 2010, Allocating power quality monitors in electrical distribution systems to measure
- R. Xu, MASc 2010, An information tracking approach to the segmentation of prostates in ultrasound imaging
- W. Omran, PhD 2010, Performance analysis of grid-connected photovoltaic systems.
- N. Rahman, MASc 2009, Energy storage solutions for wind generator connected distribution systems in rural Ontario.
- J. Maggard, MASc 2009, Automation of sleep staging.
- W. Moussa, M.Sc 2009, A multiprocessor application driven platform based on field programmable gate array (FGPA) technology.
- S. Zhang, MASc 2008, Classification of sleep staging for Narcolepsy assistive device.
- M. Wahba, MASc 2008, An automated modified region growing techniques for prostate segmentation in trans-rectal ultrasound images.
- T. El-Fouly, PhD 2007, Wind farms production: Control and prediction.
- M. El-Dery, PhD 2007, Retrofit control to prevent ASD nuisance tripping due to power quality problems.
- F. Sahba, PhD 2007, Reinforced segmentation of images containing one object of interest".
- S. Rahnamyan, PhD 2007, Opposition based differential evolution.
- G. Awad, PhD, 2007, Knowledge based prostate segmentation and regions of interest detection in transrectal ultrasound images.
- C. Lawrence, MASc 2007, Improving fuel economy via management of auxiliary loads in fuel-cell electric vehicles.
- A. Lueng, MASc 2007, Predictive maintenance of circuit breakers.
- S. Mohamed, PhD 2006, Integrated feature analysis for prostate tissue characterization using TRUS images.
- H. Zeneldien, PhD, 2006, Distributed generation micro-grid operation: Control, protection, and electricity market operation.
- P. Hapuarachchi, MASc, 2006, Feature selection and artifact removal in sleep stage classification.
- A. Salib, MASc, 2006, Voltage sag ride-through for inverter-based load.
- C.Yiu, MASc, 2006, Voltage sag localization for power distribution system.
- S. Gabran, MASc, 2006, Design and optimization methodology of sub-dermal electroencephalography dry spike-array electrode.
- M. Wei, MASc 2005, Energy management of hybrid electric vehicles.
- Q. Trinh, M.Eng., 2005, Reactive power control.
- W. El-Khattam, PhD, 2004, Power delivery system planning implementing distribution generation.
- A. El-Nady, PhD, 2004, Novel control strategies for voltage source converter based mitigating devices to improve the voltage quality.
- M. Marie, PhD, 2004, Novel control algorithms for invert based custom power conditioners.
- J. Liu, PhD, 2004, A Study of distributed energy recourses and RF triggered high temperature superconductive current switches.
- J. Li, MASc 2004, An automated malignant tumor localization algorithm for prostate cancer detection in trans-rectal ultrasound images.
- Q. Xu, MASc 2004, Statistical Significance Test-Based Feature Selection for Neural Network Classification Used in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Pattern Analysis for Prostate Cancer Detection.
- T. Abdel Galil, PhD, 2003, Automated recognition system for power quality disturbances.
- E. Hui, MASc, 2003, Region-based feature extraction of prostate ultrasound images: A knowledge based approach using fuzzy inference
- B. Chui, MASc, 2003, A new segmentation algorithm for prostate boundary detection in 2D ultrasound images.
- E. Ibrahim, MASc, 2003, Investigation of manufacturing tolerance effects on mass production filters.
- S. Ahmed, MASc, 2002, Automated frequency dependent network equivalence utilizing maple.
- K. Sreenivasachar, PhD 2001, Unified power flow controller: modeling, stability analysis, control strategy and control system design.
- A. Gaouda,. PhD 2001, Wavelet-automated recognition system for power quality monitoring.
- R. El Shatshat, PhD 2001, A novel modular approach to active power-line harmonic filtering in distribution systems.
- H. Ng, PhD, 1999, A novel and practical approach to distribution system performance enhancement using a fuzzy capacitor application method.
- E.F. El-Saadany, PhD, 1998, Power quality improvement for distribution systems under non-linear conditions.
- J. Levine, MASc, 1998, Secondary fault current calculation.
- D. Bouchard, PhD, 1997, Towards loss minimization in distribution systems using AI: the WATDIST algorithm.
- Y. Lui, PhD, 1997, Space charge distribution measurements in polymers by an improved pulsed electro-acoustic method.
- Y.G. Hegazy, PhD, 1996, Identification of harmonic current characteristics in electric distribution systems.
- R.J. Sarfi, PhD, 1996, Reduction of distribution system losses and improvement of service quality: a novel application based upon a coupling of knowledge based and numerical methods.
- S. Fouda, PhD, 1996, A new hybrid technique for harmonic suppression in distribution systems.
- B. Lian, PhD, 1995, A flexible frequency window approach to the power transmission line fault location algorithm.
- A. Ibrahim, MASc, 1995, Frequency dependent network equivalents for alternating current (AC) power systems.
- A. Mathias, MASc, 1995, Digital simulation of static volt-ampere reactive (VAR) system using the electromagnetic transient analysis program (EMTP).
- M. Wadie, MASc 1995, A novel comprehensive approach for distribution system planning.
- A Dastaviz, MASc, 1994, Partial discharge in solid insulating materials: detection and analysis.
- A. Mazroua, MASc, 1993, Pattern based partial discharge diagnosis system using neural networks.
- T. El-Sheikh, PhD, 1991, Underground transmission theory and technology of high voltage cables.
- E.A. Aliem, MASc, 1990, Optimum design of interior lighting systems.
- M.H. Fahmy, MASc, 1990, Optimum design of cathodic protection systems.
- H.M. Mostafa, MASc, 1989, Electric load forecasting using different methods suitable to Egyptian network.
- M..M. Sallam, MASc, 1988, Tracking of electric insulating materials.
- M.M. Ahmed, MASc, 1988, Optimum allocation for static and switched capacitors on primary feeders.
- H.K. Temraz, MASc, 1988, Studying of fault current limiter devices.
- A.M. El-Harras, MASc, 1987, Field calculations and corona discharges on high voltage lines.
- M. Abd. El Hamid, MASc 1987, Electromagnetic interference from high power high voltage equipment.
- T.S. Abd El Salam, MASc, 1986, Dynamic reactive power control for distribution feeder.
- M. El-Desoky, MASc, 1986, Transient analysis of three phase induction machines.
- M.M. Rizk, MASc, 1982, Partial discharge measurements.
- T. El-Sheikh, MASc, 1981, Calculation of electric fields in belted cables.
- El. Abaseiry Mahmod, MASc, 1981, Reactive power control for distribution system.
B) Current students
- N. Rajaei, PhD
- H. Aly, PhD
- M. Elonsahy, PhD
- A. eltantawy, PhD
- A. Awad, PhD
- S. Rotby, PhD
- A. Alsumaiti, PhD
- Y. Alhazmi, PhD
- M. Ibrahim, PhD
- M. Ahmed, PhD
- M. El-Khatib, PhD
- M. Eldein, PhD
- J. Saad, PhD
- K. Wong, PhD
- S. Gabran, PhD
- R. Hasan, PhD
- C. Yiu, PhD
- A. Almutairi, MASc
- M. Mansour, MASc
- M. Alotaibi, MASc
- H. Ibrahim, MASc
- H. Aldhubaid, MASc
- A. Zein Alabedin, MASc
C) Supervision of post-graduate assistance (September 1990-present)
- Dr A. Gouda, June 2008 July 2008, Assistance prof, American University, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
- Dr A. El-Hag, June 2008 Aug. 2008, Assistance prof, American University, Sharjah, UAE.
- Dr A. Nafeh, Sept. 2007- Oct. 2008, Postdoctoral, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Dr R. El-Sharkhawy, June 2007- Sept 2007, Assistance Professor, Arabic Academy of Science, Cairo, Egypt.
- Dr S. Ghania, July 2006- Nov. 2007, Assistant Professor, Banha University, Egypt.
- Dr M. Bacheit, April 2005- July 2005, Postdoctoral, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Dr M. Marei, May 2004- 2006, Postdoctoral Fellow, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Dr A. El-Hag, Jan. 2004- Aug. 2004, Postdoctoral Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Dr T. Abdel-Galil, Sept. 2003- Aug. 2004, Post Doctoral Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Mr. E. Hui, Feb. 2004 April 2004, Research Assistance Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Mr. M. Ibrahim, March 2004- Feb. 2005, Visiting Research Scholar, NABC0, Abu-Dabi, United Arab Emirates.
- Dr R. El-Sharkhawy, July 2003- Sept 2003, Assistance Professor, National Standards Institute, Cairo, Egypt.
- Mr. B. Chui, May 2003- Sept. 2003, Research Assistance, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Dr N. Sahoo, April 2002- April 2003, Post Doctoral Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Dr K. Nigim, September 2001- August 2003, Visiting Research Associate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Dr Y. Hegazy, June 2000- Sept. 2000, Visiting Assistance Professor, Department of Electrical Technology, Riyadh College of Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Ms. Liu Jie, Oct. 1999- Sept. 2000, Visiting Scholar, Sischuan Union University, Chengdu, China.
- Dr E.F. El-Saadany, June 1999- Sept. 1999, Visiting Assistant Professor, Electrical Power and Machines Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
- Dr Ke Liu, August 1999- July 2000, Post Doctoral Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- S. Kanoun, May 1999-Sept. 1999, Research Associate, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Mr. M. Ibrahim, March 1999- Feb. 2000, Visiting Research Scholar, NABC0, Abu-Dabi, United Arab Emirates.
- Dr E.F. El-Saadany, July 1998- June 1999, Post Doctoral Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Dr M. El Sherbiny, July 1993- June 1995, Senior Research Fellow, (co-supervision with prof Chow), Electrical and Computer Eng. Department, University of Alexandria, Egypt.
- Dr G. Djogo, Jan. 1994- Sept. 1994, Post Doctoral Fellow, (co- supervision with prof J.D. Cross), Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept, University of waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- Dr Y. Mizuno, June 1992- March 1993, Research Associate, Department of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Toyohashi University of Technology, Tempaku-Chu, Toyohashi, Japan.
- Dr H. K. Temraz, July 1993- Sept. 1993, Research fellow, Electrical Power and Machines Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
- Mr. T. Brincourt, July 1992- October 1993, Research Engineer, The Electrotechnical Group, Electricite de France (EDF), France.
Research interests
- Distribution system analysis
- Distribution system planning
- Load farcasting
- Substation engineering
- Distribution system performance analysis
- Reactive power control
- Distribution system protection
- Distribution system reliability
- Power quality analysis
- Power quality performance benchmarking
- Power quality monitoring protocols
- Power quality detection and identification
- Power quality source identification
- Power quality monitoring device locations in the distribution system
- Smart grid analysis
- Load management advisory service for smart meters
- Large area power quality monitoring and classification
- Automatic fault detection and system restoration in smart systems
- Decision assistive models for distribution systems asset management
- Impact of distributed generation on smart grid operation and protection
- Communication protocols and information technology (IT) infrastructure for smart grid
- Renewable energy analysis
- Solar energy
- Wind energy
- Fuel mix analysis
- Renewable energy penetration analysis
- Storage system design and analysis
- Power system asset management and risk analysis
- Transformer techno-economic replacement and end of life analysis
- Transformer outage probability distribution analysis
- Transmission lines condition monitoring and health assessment
- Transmission lines decision support system (DSS) for the analysis and prioritization of asset sustainment investment
- Circuit breaker condition monitoring and health analysis
- Circuit breaker risk and uncertainty modeling for asset sustainment analysis
- Grounding system analysis
- Substation grounding design and analysis
- Transient aspect in grounding systems
- Stray voltage measurements and analysis