Hi there! My name is Aravind Ravi and I am currently a Ph.D. student in Systems Design Engineering at the Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering lab at the University of Waterloo working under the supervision of Dr. James Tung and Dr. Ning Jiang. My research interests include applied machine learning, deep learning, biosignal analysis, and neural engineering and rehabilitation.
I am particularly interested in investigating the effects of combined action observation and motor imagery on the ability to induce motor cortical plasticity using EEG. In addition, I am developing methods for decoding the phases of gait directly from EEG using a data-driven approach. The goal of my research is to explore novel methods to enhance Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for motor rehabilitation leading to real-time systems that enhance motor recovery outcomes. This research has potential benefits in post-stroke rehabilitation and can help inform future BCI designs for such clinical applications.
I have also contributed to research on Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP-BCI), including studies on different EEG channel selection methods, deep learning-based detection algorithms, and augmented reality interface design for SSVEP BCIs. I have published 7 peer-reviewed journal articles and 12 conference papers. I have mentored 10 undergraduate students and 3 graduate students during my academic career on biosignal analysis and pattern recognition projects. I also work closely with WATOLINK, an undergraduate student design team on developing SSVEP BCIs. I have taught a course on Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering (4th year UG course) in Winter 2023, Fall 2023. I have always been interested in the way technology can be used to improve the way we live and work. As a result, I have focused my research on the development of novel interfaces and technologies that help improve and enhance overall human well-being.
Industry Experience
Biosignal Research Engineer at Interaxon Inc. (Muse Headband) working on automated sleep staging algorithms and biosignal analysis (EEG, PPG) (October 2019 - Present) - 5 years
Worked as a software developer at Wipro CTO Innovation Lab working on 5G and Network Analytics Solutions (Aug. 2016 - Dec. 2017) - 1.5 years
Teaching Experience
Sessional Instructor (Part-time) - ME 540/BME 540/ME 780 - Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering (Sept. 2023 - Dec. 2023)
Sessional Instructor (Part-time) - ME 597/BME 588/ME 780 - Special Topics - Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering (Jan. 2023 - Apr. 2023)
Teaching Assistant - SYDE 252 - Linear Signals and Systems (Sept. 2018 - Dec. 2018)
Doctoral Candidate - Systems Design Engineering - University of Waterloo (2020 - Present)
Master of Applied Science - Systems Design Engineering - University of Waterloo (2019)
Bachelor of Engineering - Electronics and Communication Engineering - PESIT Bangalore South Campus, VTU (2016)
Playing keyboard, composing music, and cooking.
Invited Talks
NeurotechX India Discussion Forum on EEG-based visual BCI and future directions (Dec. 2021)
NeurotechX San Francisco Hacknights on Enhancing the decoding performance of SSVEP BCIs (Aug. 2020)
Waterloo News: HOWZAT! Grad students turn their love of cricket into a winning project
External Links