
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Layton, A. T. , & Layton, H. E. . (2002). A semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit numerical method for models of the urine concentrating mechanism. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 23, 1526–1548. SIAM.
Layton, A. T. , & Layton, H. E. . (2002). A numerical method for renal models that represent tubules with abrupt changes in membrane properties. Journal of mathematical biology, 45, 549–567. Springer-Verlag.
Layton, A. T. . (2002). Cubic spline collocation method for the shallow water equations on the sphere. Journal of Computational Physics, 179, 578–592. Elsevier.
Layton, A. T. , & van de Panne, M. . (2002). A numerically efficient and stable algorithm for animating water waves. The Visual Computer, 18, 41–53. Springer-Verlag.
Modell, B. , Khan, M. , Darlison, M. , King, A. , Layton, M. , Old, J. , Petrou, M. , et al. (2001). A national register for surveillance of inherited disorders: beta thalassaemia in the United Kingdom. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79, 1006–1013. World Health Organization Genebra, Genebra, Switzerland.
