About me: I am an accomplished R&D Scientist and aspiring researcher with a M.S. in Mathematics '18 from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
and a record of publications in top-tier mathematics and engineering journals. I am interested in the following areas: scientific computing, numerical analysis,
parallel, large-scale, and high-performance cluster computing, numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs), and associated
optimization problems, including but not limited to inverse and ill-posed problems of mathematical imaging.
Sessional instructor
Spring 2023, University of Waterloo
SYDE 311: Advanced Engineering Math 2
Series solutions of ordinary differential equations; Bessel functions, orthogonal functions, Fourier expansions and integral, Legendre polynomials, Sturm-Liouville systems. Partial differential equations; parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic equations, numerical methods.