I am a biostatistics postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo (UW). I finished my Ph.D. in Statistics (2021) and Master of Science in Mathematical Statistics (2016) at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. I am interested in developing statistical techniques to deal with real-world challenges in industry and healthcare contexts. In particular, I do research in Personalized Medicine focusing on Dynamic Treatment Regimes, Statical Quality Control focusing on Process Monitoring, and Measurement Systems Analysis.
I am currently working on a project funded by a joint CIHR Project Grant between UW and McGill University. The focus of the project is the development of new statistical methodologies to estimate treatment effects and identify optimal treatments in a personalized medicine setting. We aim to apply the developed methodologies to analyze a large, complex dataset of COPD patients and their treatments, using the R programming environment. I am supervised by Professor Michael Wallace from UW, with Professor Samy Suissa from McGill University serving as my co-supervisor.