STAT 333 Tutorial Files

  1. Cards.png - Choose a card from X, an ordered stack of cards X{1,2,,N}. Take all cards below this value and call this new stack Y. From Y, you now pick a card. Find the ranges of both (X|Y),(Y|X).
  2. Tennis Program - A visual for tutorial 4's first question.
  3. Tennis Program Fixed - 2 paths were missing
  4. Directed Graph - How to draw directed graphs (Pi,j=P(Xn+1=j|Xn=i))
  5. Reflecting Boundaries - Tutorial 6 Question 2 Illustration
  6. Tutorial 7 - Irreducible and Infinite - We see our first processes which take values in N={0,1,} and observe a case for which the entire chain is irreducible and another where it there exists N communication clases (see the bottom figure).
  7. Squashed Processes - Tutorial 8
  8. Gamblers Ruin  - Tutorial 9


STAT 333: Applied Probability

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