
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Föllmer, Hans, and Alexander Schied. Probabilistic aspects of finance. Bernoulli 19 (2013): 1306–1326.
Schied, Alexander. Robust strategies for optimal order execution in the Almgren-Chriss framework. Appl. Math. Finance 20 (2013): 264–286.
Gatheral, Jim, and Alexander Schied. Dynamical models for market impact and algorithms for optimal order execution.. In Handbook on Systemic Risk, 579–602. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Schied, Alexander. Finanzmathematik. In Springer–Taschenbuch der Mathematik, 1015–1029. 3rdrd ed. Springer–Verlag, 2013.
Alfonsi, Aurélien, Alexander Schied, and Alla Slynko. Order book resilience, price manipulation, and the positive portfolio problem. SIAM J. Financial Math. 3 (2012): 511–533.
Krätschmer, Volker, Alexander Schied, and Henryk Zähle. Qualitative and infinitesimal robustness of tail-dependent statistical functionals. J. Multivariate Anal. 103 (2012): 35–47.
Gatheral, Jim, Alexander Schied, and Alla Slynko. Transient linear price impact and Fredholm integral equations. Math. Finance 22 (2012): 445–474.
Gatheral, Jim, Alexander Schied, and Alla Slynko. Exponential resilience and decay of market impact. In Econophysics of order-driven markets, 225–236. Springer, Milan, 2011.
Gatheral, Jim, and Alexander Schied. Optimal trade execution under geometric Brownian motion in the Almgren and Chriss framework. Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 14 (2011): 353–368.
Schied, Alexander, and Alla Slynko. Some mathematical aspects of market impact modeling. In Surveys in stochastic processes, 153–179. Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2011.
Föllmer, Hans, and Alexander Schied. Stochastic finance. Extended. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 2011.
Schied, Alexander, Torsten Schöneborn, and Michael Tehranchi. Optimal basket liquidation for CARA investors is deterministic. Appl. Math. Finance 17 (2010): 471–489.
Alfonsi, Aurélien, Antje Fruth, and Alexander Schied. Optimal execution strategies in limit order books with general shape functions. Quant. Finance 10 (2010): 143–157.
Alfonsi, Aurélien, and Alexander Schied. Optimal trade execution and absence of price manipulations in limit order book models. SIAM J. Financial Math. 1 (2010): 490–522.
Föllmer, Hans, and Alexander Schied. Coherent and convex risk measures. In Encyclopedia of quantitative finance, 355–363. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Schied, Alexander, and Torsten Schöneborn. Risk aversion and the dynamics of optimal liquidation strategies in illiquid markets. Finance Stoch. 13 (2009): 181–204.
Schöneborn, Torsten, and Alexander Schied. Liquidation in the face of adversity: stealth vs. sunshine trading, 2009.
Föllmer, Hans, Alexander Schied, and Stefan Weber. Robust preferences and robust portfolio choice. In Mathematical modelling and numerical methods in finance, 15:29–88. Elsevier, 2009.
Alfonsi, Aurélien, Antje Fruth, and Alexander Schied. Constrained portfolio liquidation in a limit order book model. In Advances in mathematics of finance, 83:9–25. Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw, 2008.
Schied, Alexander. Robust optimal control for a consumption-investment problem. Math. Methods Oper. Res. 67 (2008): 1–20.
