I have moved!
I have completed my MMath Thesis degree! Up-to-date information can be found here! My thesis is entitled Improving Data Locality in Applications through Execution Delegation.
Previous Position
I was a master's thesis student at the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo. I had the pleasure of being advised by Martin Karsten.
Research Interests
I'm generally interested in the areas of concurrent systems, distributed systems, operating systems/kernels, performance analysis, and formal verification of concurrent algorithms. In particular, I'm interested in taking a first principles approach to designing and building concurrent and distributed systems informed by knowledge about underlying software and hardware.
In 2018, I graduated summa cum laude from New York University's College of Arts and Science. I earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (with honors) and a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. From 2018 to 2020, I was employed as a full time Back-End Research and Development Engineer at a New York based startup named Geopipe (and was the company's first full time, non-founding member).
email: echo @uwaterloo.ca | sed 's/^/bcurto/'