Lab members

Brad FedyDr. Brad Fedy

Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability

PhD: Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia
MSc: Department of Biology, York University
BES: Environment and Resource Studies, University of Waterloo


Dr. Todd Cross (Postdoctoral Fellow)Todd Cross

I strive to conduct research that concurrently explores the evolutionary ecology of species and that results in the provision of data-driven research products and spatial tools relevant to the management of wildlife species of conservation concern. I am primarily focused on two areas of research in addition to several side projects. Firstly, I am fortunate to be involved in a large-scale conservation genetics project that aims to understand population structure and to identify landscape and environmental features critical to maintaining genetic connectivity for greater sage-grouse. We use cutting-edge genomic methods and robust genetic tools to gather information from thousands of birds sampled from leks across the species’ range. Our efforts are in close collaboration with state and federal agencies responsible for sage grouse management across the eleven western states within the species’ range. Together, we are tackling an unprecedentedly large study that is providing a comprehensive view of genetic population structure, patterns of diversity, and qualitative connectivity data. Secondly, for the last few years I’ve been working to identify critical habitat for two different woodpecker species of conservation concern. Lewis’s woodpecker, reliant upon post-wildfire habitat and the tree snags therein for foraging, nesting, and brood rearing. White-headed woodpecker, reliant upon in-tact forested landscapes. The landscapes that both species rely upon are actively managed. Standing snags are of timber value and may need removal for hazard mitigation, and forested landscapes that are part of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program. I leverage habitat selection models and occupancy models to determine critical habitat and to quantify the effects of management decisions on species occupancy, then create spatial tools from these models for use in decision support for natural resource managers. Website Google Scholar


Dr. Chris KirolChris Kirol (Postdoctoral Fellow)

I received my Bachelor of Science in Biology from another UW, the University of Wyoming, in 2000.  After working in a variety of capacities in wildlife research and management, I returned to the University of Wyoming and received a Master of Science in the Ecosystem Science and Managements Department in 2012.  My Master’s project focused primarily on predicting greater sage-grouse selection and fitness on a landscape scale in an area influenced by energy development and assessing microhabitat vegetation conditions that are most important to female greater sage-grouse during the reproductive period in xeric sagebrush habitats. My interests broadly lie in applied research informing science-based wildlife management and conservation planning. To date, my research has focused on the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem and sagebrush obligate avian species such as the sage-grouse. My research has explored sage-grouse habitat at microhabitat and macrohabitat scales, primarily in human-altered sagebrush landscapes. Specifically, my reseacrch explores how habitat quality—the ability of the environment to provide conditions suitable for individual and population persistence—is compromised by human features and activities, such as oil and gas development, and what can be changed to reduce the impacts of these activities. e-mail:


Kelly McLean (PhD)Kelly Maclean

As an outdoor enthusiast I am interested in using applied wildlife research to develop sustainable wildlife management strategies, specifically for game species. I completed my MSc at the University of New Brunswick, where I researched the effects of commercial forestry on the distribution of American black ducks. Prior to that I completed an honours BSc in Biology at Trent University. I am excited to combine sophisticated statistical modelling and spatial ecology techniques in my PhD research in the Fedy lab. For this project I will be analyzing movement data from sandhill cranes outfitted with GPS transmitters. Sandhill cranes were once close to extinction but have made a remarkable recovery and are re-occupying their historic range. Cranes often feed in agricultural areas, and the crane population growth has been associated with an increase in crop damage, particularly in agricultural areas along the edge of the Boreal forest in Ontario and Quebec. My research, in partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Service, will fill information gaps in crane habitat use and spatial ecology which will then be used to determine areas most susceptible to crop damage and develop mitigation strategies to minimize crop loss. e-mail:


Jordan ReynoldsJordan Reynolds (PhD)

From a young age I’ve been passionate about the preservation of the natural world and biodiversity which has led me to pursue research in the field of ecology. I received my BSc and Certificate of Specialization in Animal Behaviours and Environmental Impact Assessment at Dalhousie University. During this degree, I researched the effects of chronic stress on reproductive fitness in field crickets, and the effects of glutathione on illness induced anorexia in Manduca caterpillars. For my MSc at the University of Waterloo in Dr. Rooney’s lab, I examined the determinants of avian communities in Rocky Mountain peatlands. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Dr. Fedy’s Lab at the University of Waterloo. For my thesis, I will analyze greater sage-grouse genetic and movement data and examine the abundance and distribution of avian predators. This research will address fundamental questions in ecology and contribute to the conservation and management of the greater sage-grouse and sagebrush steppe habitat. E-mail:


Former lab members

POST DOCTORAL FELLOWS ------------------------------------------- 

Kris WiniarskiDr. Kris Winiarski

Postdoctoral Fellow: Landscape genetics and habitat selection. 2019


Dr. Jeffrey Row

Postdoctoral Fellow: Landscape genetics, demography, and habitat selection. 2018


Jeremy PittmanDr. Jeremy Pittman

Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow: Conserving species at risk on Canada’s last remaining native grasslands. 2017

DOCTORAL STUDENTS ------------------------------------------- 

Dr. Chris Kirol

Doctoral Thesis: Patterns of nest survival, movement and habitat use of sagebrush-obligate birds in an energy development landscape. 2021


Dr. Matt Dyson

Doctoral Thesis: Nesting ecology of ducks in the boreal forest. 2020


Dr. Jason Tack

Doctoral Thesis: Guiding conservation of golden eagle population in light of expanding renewable energy development: a demographic and habitat-based approach. 2015

MASTER'S STUDENTS ------------------------------------------- 

Kiaunna LeeKiaunna Lee

Master's Thesis: Multi-scale patterns of breeding habitat selection in sandhill cranes across Canada's Eastern Boreal Forest. 2024


Marie RacioppaMarie Racioppa

Master's Thesis: Systematic conservation prioritization centered on sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), in a region of competing land uses. 2021


Ryan Johnstone

Master's Thesis: Lanscape effects on breeding habitat selection and incubation behaviour in boreal nesting ducks. 2021


Natasha BarlowNatasha Barlow

Master's Thesis: Does landscape-scale habitat reclamation and the umbrella species concept work to conserve sagebrush songbirds? 2019


Marcus MaddalenaMarcus Maddalena

Master’s Thesis: Multi-scale patterns of Eastern milksnake (Lampropoeltis triangulum) habitat selection and behavioural responses to habiat fragmentation. 2018


Holly BookerHolly Booker

Master’s Thesis: The application of occupancy modelling to evaluate the determinants of distribution for jaguars Panthera onca, pumas Puma concolor, and valued prey species in a protected area. 2016


Ryan WatchornRyan Watchorn

Master’s Thesis: Assessing the efficacy of fathead minnows for mosquito control in semiarid rangelands. 2016


Anushi DeSilvaAnushi DeSilva

Master’s Thesis: A large-scale multi-seasonal habitat prioritization and an analysis of structural connectivity for the conservation of greater sage-grouse in Wyoming. 2015


Ken BurrellKen Burrell

Master’s Thesis: The spring reverse migration of songbirds in the Pelee region: 2010-2012. 2013




SENIOR HONOURS THESIS STUDENTS -------------------------------------------

Robyn DennRobyn Denn

Undergraduate Thesis: Temporal variation in nest site selection of greater sage-grouse in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. 2024




Zoe LawrenceZoe Lawrence

Undergraduate Thesis: Examining incuation patterns of Black Terns (Chlidonias niger) in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada using trail cameras. 2023




Abraham JordanAbraham Jordan

Undergraduate Thesis: Predictive mapping of loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) nests in sagebrush habitat using GIS-based logistic regression modelling. 2022 




Kayla Caruso

Kayla Caruso

Undergraduate Thesis: Shorebird habitat selection at small wetlands in the prairie pothole region of Saskatchewan. 2021