
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Kendall, B. Butterfly effect of shallow ocean deoxygenation on past marine biodiversity. Nature Geoscience 16, 1080-1081 (2023).
Du, C. et al. Cascade electrocatalysis via AgCu single-atom alloy and Ag nanoparticles in CO2 electroreduction toward multi-carbon products. Nature Communications 14, 6142 (2023).
Deline, M.L. et al. Lithium isotopes differentially modify mitochondrial amorphous calcium phosphate cluster size distribution and calcium capacity. Frontiers in Physiology 14, 1200119 (2023).
Du, C. et al. Selectively reducing nitrate into NH3 in neutral media by PdCu single-atom alloy electrocatalysis. ACS Catalysis 13, 10560-10569 (2023).
Yang, S. et al. Uranium and molybdenum isotope evidence for globally extensive marine euxinia on continental margins and in epicontinental seas during the Devonian-Carboniferous Hangenberg Crisis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 352, 133-156 (2023).
Anbar, A.D. et al. Technical comment on “Reexamination of 2.5-Ga 'whiff' of oxygen interval points to anoxic ocean before GOE”. Science Advances 9, eabq3736 (2023).
Tan, Z. et al. Molybdenum isotope evidence from restricted-basin mudstones for an intermediate extent of oxygenation in the late Ediacaran ocean. Chemical Geology 623, 121410 (2023).
Kunert, A. & Kendall, B. Global ocean redox changes before and during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Nature Communications 14, 815 (2023).
Lu, X., Edwards, C.T. & Kendall, B. No evidence for expansion of global ocean euxinia during the base Stairsian mass extinction event (Tremadocian, Early Ordovician). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 341, 116-131 (2023).
Kendall, B. et al. Evaluation of the molybdenum isotope system as a petroleum tracer: the Phosphoria petroleum system, western U.S.A. Chemical Geology 617, 121244 (2023).
