
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Anbar, A.D. et al. A whiff of oxygen before the Great Oxidation Event?. Science 317, 1903-1906 (2007).
Azmy, K., Kendall, B., Creaser, R.A., Heaman, L. & de Oliveira, T.F. Global correlation of the Vazante Group, São Francisco Basin, Brazil: Re-Os and U-Pb radiometric age constraints. Precambrian Research 164, 160-172 (2008).
Kendall, B., Gordon, G.W., Poulton, S.W. & Anbar, A.D. Molybdenum isotope constraints on the extent of late Paleoproterozoic ocean euxinia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 307, 450-460 (2011).
Sahoo, S.K. et al. Ocean oxygenation in the wake of the Marinoan glaciation. Nature 489, 546-549 (2012).
Herrmann, A.D. et al. Anomalous molybdenum isotope trends in Upper Pennsylvanian euxinic facies: Significance for use of d98Mo as a global marine redox proxy. Chemical Geology 324-325, 87-98 (2012).
Kendall, B., Anbar, A.D., Kappler, A. & Konhauser, K.O. Chapter 6 - The global iron cycle. Fundamentals of Geobiology 1st Edition 65-92 (2012).
Lowenstein, T.K., Kendall, B. & Anbar, A.D. Chapter 8.21 - The geologic history of seawater. Treatise on Geochemistry 2nd Edition 8, 569-622 (2014).
Kendall, B. An osmium-based method for assessing the source of dissolved rhenium and molybdenum to Archean seawater. Chemical Geology 385, 92-103 (2014).
Kendall, B., Creaser, R.A., Reinhard, C.T., Lyons, T.W. & Anbar, A.D. Transient episodes of mild environmental oxygenation and oxidative continental weathering during the late Archean. Science Advances 1, e1500777 (2015).
