
Will It Blend? A Manifesto on Post-COVID Blended Courses

Like many faculty members, I know that the research suggests a blended or flipped approach to learning (where students do some work outside of class time e.g. by watching videos or doing readings, and spend the in-class time working on problems and actively engaging with material) is better by far than only using classes for lectures where students absorb information passively. The thing that always held me back from applying this approach was the enormous amount of time and effort it would take to create that out-of-class content.

But over the last year, like many faculty...

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Using Piazza to Create Community

Online learning has driven more traffic than ever to discussion boards such as Piazza. I’ve had a lot of success with mine – one of my favourite things from this term is how kind and helpful my students are to each other. I know not everyone has the same experience so I wanted to share how I create the conditions for meaningful and productive interaction. Hopefully these tips can help you get the most out of your online discussion forum of choice.

For context, this is a large (~500 students) required introductory course in probability with fully asynchronous delivery.

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Student-Informed Course Design

In Winter 2020, my large introductory undergrad course went online abruptly for the last three weeks. Luckily as a core course there was already online course material available, and we were able to pivot fairly painlessly. In Spring 2020 I taught two small grad courses, and we did them completely synchronously so not much needed to change. But for the Fall 2020 term, when I was scheduled to teach a mid-size upper-year undergrad course, I needed to think very intentionally about how I was going to design it.

The Math faculty expressed a strong preference for asynchronous...

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How I Create Lecture Videos

There is no one right way to create lecture material for an online course. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. I’m going to describe what I do, not because I think it’s “best” but just for interest. The adage "if I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter" comes to mind, in that it does take more time to make a succinct video, but I think it is worth it.

One thing that was extremely important to me was preserving my own personal style in the videos. In class I always use the chalkboard (never slides) because there is a huge benefit to seeing problems worked...

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Academic Integrity in Online Education

I've given several presentations this term (and watched several dozen more!) about academic integrity in online teaching. This post is some of the thoughts which became my recent presentation on the subject at the Actuarial Research Conference. You can find the video of the talk here: and slides attached to this post.

First of all, cheating is not necessarily higher in online courses just because they are online. Cheating has many causes, including students being...

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Academic Publications

1. Baloch, G., Gzara, F. (2020) “Strategic Network Design for Parcel Delivery with Drones Under Competition”, Transportation Science, 54(1):204-228.

2. Baloch, G., Gzara, F., (2020). Capacity and assortment planning under one-way supplierdriven substitution for pharmacy kiosks with low drug demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 282(1), pp.108-128.

3. Gzara, F., Elhedhli, S., Yildiz, U., Baloch...

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Authentic and Effective Assessment for Online Education

I was invited by READI to give a presentation on teaching in an online environment. I focused on creating connections, reducing cheating, and designing effective assessments. Below are some follow-up resources I said I would provide for the attendees, but anyone is welcome to use them!

A video of the talk is available here: and the slides from the presentation are in the attached pdf.


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