
Designing Exams to Test Higher Levels of Learning

This post is based on a presentation I made at the 52nd Actuarial Research Conference in Atlanta, Georgia in July 2017. The slides for the presentation are attached.

I was inspired to give this talk by a few conversations I had with other actuarial educators at last year's conference. I mentioned my usual approach to testing both basic and high level thinking skills, along with communication, in the same question on my exams. More than one person was extremely surprised by my approach and exclaimed "I wish I could write...

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Fall Semester - Reminders

It's that time of year again...Fall Semester is just around the corner!

This posting has been created to help provide you, science instructors at University of Waterloo, with some friendly semester start up reminders.

First and formost, it isn't too late to request a LEARN course, either by

  1. logging into LEARN > click Request a Course, 
  2. or emailing me (

Below are some items you should be thinking about as we get ready for the first day of semester:...

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Summary: Using Interactive Tutorials and Case Study for Deeper Learning

As part of my LITE grant (see posts below) I presented the outcomes of my work with STAT 334 at UW's Opportunities and New Directions conference in April 2016. I also gave a similar (and a bit more detailed) presentation to my own department of Statistics and Actuarial Science in June 2016. Finally, I talked about how to extend these ideas to Actuarial Science courses at the ...

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My LITE (Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement) Grant Project: a 3-part series - Part 3

Part 3: Oral Exams

I have used Oral Exams in several courses in the past (STAT 430/830: Experimental Design, ACTSC 455/855: Advanced Life Insurance Practice, and ACTSC 613: Probability and Statistics for Actuaries) based on research I had done while completing my Certificate in University Teaching. So I was eager to use them in STAT 334 as well. I always use them in addition to, rather than instead of, a traditional written final exam.

... Read more about My LITE (Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement) Grant Project: a 3-part series - Part 3

Trade vs. Textbooks


I am the author or co-author of three (soon to be four) books.  A textbook with a vanity publisher, two trade books with an academic publisher, and an upcoming introductory textbook. 

My first book was the result of a publisher’s agent knocking on my office door and asking if I would be interested in writing a textbook.  All the publisher asked was that I would require the book within my courses and sign away the copyright.  I was excited to get started, so I barely even read the publishing contract.  I now know this experience epitomizes working...

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The Next Generation of Aviation Professionals

It is well known that the aviation industry is experiencing a time of accelerated growth.  Although this places collegiate aviation institutions in a very strong position to attract student and engage industry partners, on a global scale the reality is that the demand for aviation professionals is greater than our collective capacity to produce them.  Both domestically and internationally, aviation agencies are promoting initiatives to meet this demand.

Two main initiatives are the roll-out of competency-based education methods (which have potential to improve the...

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What is an Aviation Academic?

While attending University Aviation Association (UAA) events, it is common to be in rooms surrounded by established aviation academics with fancy titles as well as graduate students pursuing academic careers.  In my discussions with these individuals there is a common theme - most aviation academics are initially drawn towards aviation through a love of flight and then transition into an academic career. 

This is my personal background – I began flying airplanes and helicopters as a teenager and it was not until I completed an internship at a major airline that I began to...

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