
Rhetorical Theory and Criticism (ENGL 292)




In this course, we'll take a broad look at some of the foundational issues of the discipline of rhetoric, beginning with theories of language and ending with technical and professional communication. In between, we'll dabble in social theory, new media, and the grammar of everyday life. This course is designed to strengthen your skills as a rhetorical "agent." Rhetoric is a living, breathing, active art, one that you already engage in every waking moment. All the materials that we cover shed light on the same basic processes of accessing, interpreting, and deploying the common grounds of... Read more about Rhetorical Theory and Criticism (ENGL 292)

Contemporary Rhetoric (ENGL 309C)




In Contemporary Rhetorical Theory, we will survey the key authors, concepts, issues, and debates of contemporary rhetoric and place them in a practical context. The first half of the course will focus on the (arguably) five most important contemporary rhetoricians (Weaver, Richards, Burke, Toulmin, and Perelman), and the second part will concentrate on contemporary rhetoric at work in culture through power relations, discourse, sexuality, race, media, advertising, and propaganda. Recognizing with Kenneth Burke “how overwhelmingly much of what we mean by ‘reality’ has been built for us through... Read more about Contemporary Rhetoric (ENGL 309C)

Communication in the Engineering Profession (ENGL 192)





In this course, students will enhance their oral and written technical communication competencies in contexts relevant to the engineering profession as well as their future careers. By participating in classes and completing course readings and assignments, students will practice genres of communication relevant to groups that might include clients, peer groups, technical staff, public audiences, and regulatory and policy-focused stakeholders. By focusing on genre, design, and audience, students will come to better understand concepts including meaning...

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Communication in the Sciences (ENGL 193)





In this course you will learn about effective written, oral, and visual communication in the life or physical sciences. You will have the opportunity to shape these communication skills through iterative design processes that emphasize attention to your audience, the purpose of your communications, and student agency. You will work individually and collaboratively to craft messages for internal and external audiences,...

Read more about Communication in the Sciences (ENGL 193)