Brie specializes in literacy and evidence-based research strategies for science and medicine.
Brie has been working in academic, hospital and public libraries for over two decades. As the research librarian for biology, and vision science and optometry at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Brie is currently focussed on biodata, research data, and critical reading skills for predatory science and misinformation. In 2009, Brie graduated with a Masters of Information Science (MLIS) degree from Western University that concentrated on evidence-based medicine informatics and literature, and information technologies. She then spent the next 11 years in clinical research at Western University and London Health Sciences Centre. In 2020 Brie joined the Davis Centre Library team at the University of Waterloo where she brings a collaborative spirit to research collaborations, and library visits and workshops.
Biomedical platforms and database expertise
Ebsco and CINAHL®; Cochrane® library; NCBI® databases and Pubmed; Ovid MEDLINE® and Embase®; PsychInfo®; Scopus® and SciVal; Web of Science® and arXiv, bioRxiv, medRXiv preprints. Browse all of our research databases at the University of Waterloo Library.