
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Shoemaker, C. A., & Tolson, B.. (2007). New dynamically dimensioned search algorithm for automatic calibration with application to phosphorous transport in northeast watershed. In Examining the Confluence of Environmental and Water Concerns - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006. doi:10.1061/40856(200)316
Shoemaker, C., & Tolson, B.. (2004). Assessing TMDL's and management of phosphorous pollution using data and model for the Cannonsville Watershed, NY. In Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmetal Resources Congress: Critical Transitions in Water and Environmetal Resources Management (pp. 409-418). Retrieved from
Shoemaker, C., Tolson, B., & Mendez, F.. (2004). Automatic calibration and uncertainty analysis of a watershed model. In Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmetal Resources Congress: Critical Transitions in Water and Environmetal Resources Management (pp. 1768-1772). Retrieved from
Tolson, B. A., Maier, H. R., Simpson, A. R., & Lence, B. J.. (2004). Genetic algorithms for reliability-based optimization of water distribution systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 130, 63-72. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2004)130:1(63)
Tolson, B. A., Maier, H. R., & Simpson, A. R.. (2004). Water distribution network reliability estimation using the First-Order Reliability Method. In Bridging the Gap: Meeting the World's Water and Environmental Resources Challenges - Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001 (Vol. 111). doi:10.1061/40569(2001)413
Tolson, B. A., & Shoemaker, C. A.. (2003). Future Phosphorus Loading to the Cannonsville Reservoir. In World Water and Environmental Resources Congress (pp. 2355-2363). Retrieved from
Maier, H. R., Lence, B. J., Tolson, B. A., & Foschi, R. O.. (2001). First-order reliability method for estimating reliability, vulnerability, and resilience. Water Resources Research, 37, 779-790. doi:10.1029/2000WR900329
Vasquez, J. A., Maier, H. R., Lence, B. J., Tolson, B. A., & Foschi, R. O.. (2000). Achieving water quality system reliability using genetic algorithms. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 126, 954-962. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2000)126:10(954)
Tolson, B. A., & Lence, B. J.. (2000). Genetic algorithms for reliability-based optimization in water quality management. In 2000 Annual Conference Abstracts - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (p. 39). Retrieved from
