A new approach to client outreach: The RQHR Library’s experience with creating a webinar series

Presentation Date: 

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Canadian Health Libraries Association Conference. Hamilton, ON

Presenter: Caitlin Carter

Introduction: In the fall of 2011, work began on a series of webinars for the RQHR Library’s clientele. There were several reasons to embark on this project: “Telehealth” was no longer an effective means of delivering library training; librarian burnout from repetitious training sessions; and the inability of many library users to attend the scheduled in-person training classes. The main goal is to conduct and record effective webinars to increase user comfort level with the library’s website and electronic resources. Recorded webinars would be available for access 24/7. Description: Through a series of rigourously marketed live and recorded webinars created using WebEx software, patrons will learn how to effectively use the electronic resources provided by the RQHR Library. A calendar listing of the webinars will be available electronically for registration to allow users to match their schedules. The main clientele to be reached include those who are unable to attend our in-person training sessions (e.g. nurses and those on opposite shifts), as well as the rural staff. The webinar series is planned as an on-going project, as the library’s website and resources change. Outcomes: Results from the webinar feedback surveys will be presented. These results will illustrate any changes in client behaviour and their thoughts on the new service. Discussion: Any challenges encountered during the project will be discussed, as well as advice for those considering implementation of a similar endeavour. Future directions may include partnering with other institutions, as a way for libraries to share resources.