
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Houle SKD, Evans D, Carter CA, Schlagenhauf P. Ayahuasca and the traveller: A scoping review of risks and possible benefits. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2022;44:102206. Available at:
DeMarco M, Carter C, Houle SKD, Waite NM. The role of pharmacy technicians in vaccination services: a scoping review. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2022;62(1):15-26.e11. Available at:
Foong AL, Houle SKD, Carter C, Grindrod K. Characteristics, predictors, and reasons for regulatory body disciplinary action in health care: a scoping review. Journal of Medical Regulation. 2022;107(4):17-31. Available at:
Faisal S, Ivo J, Lee C, Carter C, Patel T. The Usability, Acceptability, and Functionality of Smart Oral Multidose Dispensing Systems for Medication Adherence: A Scoping Review. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2022;35(3):455-468. Available at:
Brin T, Thompson B, Budning A, Carter C, Bobier W. Comparing the efficacy of current treatments in children and teens with amblyopia: a knowledge synthesis report. Eye Health Council of Ontario. 2019.
Houle SKD, Grindrod KA, Carter CA, Tsuyuki RT. Remunerated patient care services and injections by pharmacists: An international update. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2019;59(1):89-107. Available at:
Carter CA, Houle SKD. Evidence-based Medicine: An Overview for Pharmacists. In: Encyclopedia of pharmacy practice and clinical pharmacy.Vol 1. Elsevier Inc.; 2019:325-343. Available at:
Carter C, Bishop L, Chan C. Clinical Practice Guidelines. In: Informatics for pharmacy students e-resource. 3rd ed. Ottawa, ON: Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada; 2017. Available at:
Carter C, Bishop L. Evidence-based Medicine: An Introduction. In: Informatics for pharmacy students e-resource. 3rd ed. Ottawa, ON: Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada; 2017. Available at:
Carter C, Bishop L, Rocchi M. Digital Information Resources. In: Informatics for pharmacy students e-resource. 3rd ed. Ottawa, ON: Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada; 2017. Available at:
Hogan DB, Maxwell CJ, Afilalo J, et al. A scoping review of frailty and acute care in middle-aged and older individuals with recommendations for future research. Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 2017;20(1):22-37. Available at: .
Carter C, Farrell A, Mason J. Product review: VisualDx. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association. 2012;33(1):26-28. Available at: .