
Winter 2022: I am teaching STAT 340. Classes will be online to start the term. The earliest in-person class we will have would be on Tuesday January 25. Here is the tentative syllabus (as of December 23rd, 2021). I am planning to hold a zoom session at the time of the first scheduled lecture, which is at 8:30am on January 6, 2022. Details to connect will be available on LEARN. A Piazza discussion forum has been set up. Please enroll and use the Q&A there if you have questions prior to the term. It might take a few days for me to respond to queries.

Fall 2021: I am teaching STAT 906 (Computer-Intensive Methods for Stochastic Models in Finance). Here is the tentative syllabus (as of August 19, 2021). Note that the weekly on-campus sessions for Lec 002 will start on Tuesday September 15.

I am also teaching ACTSC 446/846 (online). 

Winter 2021: I taught STAT 340-Stochastic Simulation Methods (online). 

Previously taught courses: ACTSC 632, ACTSC 446, ACTSC 432, ACTSC 445, STAT 906, ACTSC 231, ACTSC 372, ACTSC 453

How to make video lectures: see this video on my YouTube channel if you are interested in an alternative to screen recordings for making video lectures. Here is an example of a lecture created with this method.

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