
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Grandy CA, Donnan JR, Peddle JT, Romme K, Kim S, Gamble J-M. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. A systematic assessment of the availability and clinical drug information coverage of machine-readable clinical drug data sources for building knowledge translation products [Internet]. 2018;Available from:
Dose response of sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in relation to urinary tract infections: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. CMAJ Open [Internet]. 2018;Available from: Donnan et al. CMAJOpen 2018.pdf
Abu-Ashour W, Twells LK, Valcour JE, Gamble J-M. BMC Infectious Diseases. Diabetes and the occurrence of infection in primary care: A matched cohort study [Internet]. 2018;Available from:
Gamble J-M, Chibrikov E, Midodzi WK, Twells LK, Majumdar SR. BMJ open. Examining the risk of depression or self-harm associated with incretin-based therapies used to manage hyperglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes: a cohort study using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink [Internet]. 2018;Available from:
Gamble J-M, Donnan JR, Chibrikov E, Twells LK, Midodzi WK, Majumdar SR. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. The risk of fragility fractures in new users of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors compared to sulfonylureas and other anti-diabetic drugs: A cohort study [Internet]. 2018;Available from:
Gamble J-M. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Capsule Commentary on Franklin et al., Time to Filling of New Prescriptions for Chronic Disease Medications Among a Cohort of Elderly Patients in the USA [Internet]. 2018;Available from:
Gamble JM, Traynor RL, Gruzd A, Mai P, Dormuth CR, Sketris IS. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. Measuring the impact of pharmacoepidemiologic research using altmetrics: A case study of a CNODES drug-safety article [Internet]. 2018;Available from:
Gamble J-M, Donnan JR, Chibrikov E, Twells LK, Midodzi WK, Majumdar SR. Scientific Reports. Comparative Safety of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors Versus Sulfonylureas and Other Glucose-lowering Therapies for Three Acute Outcomes [Internet]. 2018;Available from:
Abu-Ashour W, Chibrikova L, Midodzi WK, Twells LK, Gamble J-M. Diabetic Medicine. Factors associated with early insulin initiation in Type 2 diabetes: a Canadian cross-sectional study [Internet]. 2017;Available from:
Anand K, Sketris I, Zhang Y, Levy A, Gamble J-M. Drugs - Real World Outcomes. The Impact of US FDA and Health Canada Warnings Related to the Safety of High-dose Simvastatin [Internet]. 2017;Available from:
Abu-Ashour W, Twells L, Valcour J, Randell A, Donnan J, Howse P, et al. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care. The association between diabetes mellitus and incident infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies [Internet]. 2017;Available from:
Gamble J-M, Chibrikov E, Twells LK, Midodzi WK, Young SW, MacDonald D, et al. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. Association of insulin dosage with mortality or major adverse cardiovascular events: a retrospective cohort study [Internet]. 2017;Available from:
Alwashmi M, Hawboldt J, Davis E, Marra C, Gamble J-M, Ashour WA. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. The effect of smartphone interventions on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Internet]. 2016;Available from:
Howse PM, Chibrikova LN, Twells LK, Barrett BJ, Gamble J-M. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Safety and Efficacy of Incretin-Based Therapies in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and CKD: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Internet]. 2016;Available from:
Abu-Ashour W, Chibrikova L, Midodzi WK, Twells LK, Gamble J-M. Diabetic Medicine. Factors associated with early insulin initiation in Type 2 diabetes: A Canadian cross-sectional study [Internet]. 2016;Available from:
Gamble J-M, Butalia S. Medical Practice Variations. Medical Practice Variations in Diabetes Mellitus. 2016;
Gamble J-M, Thomas JM, Twells LK, Midodzi WK, Majumdar SR. Medicine (United States). Comparative effectiveness of incretin-based therapies and the risk of death and cardiovascular events in 38,233 metformin monotherapy users [Internet]. 2016;Available from:
