- 2020 Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science Research Presentation Day.
- Title: Dental Insurance Status Influences Prophylactic Dental Care Prior to Head and Neck Radiation
- The 49th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (2021).
- Title: Confidence Intervals for Fish Abundance Index with Survey Data
Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo:
- STAT 454/854: Sampling Theory and Practice (Winter 2022)
- STAT 444/844: Statistical Learning - Function Estimation (Winter 2020)
- STAT 443: Forecasting (Fall 2018)
- STAT 431/831: Generalized Linear Models and their Applications (Winter 2020, Spring 2020)
- STAT 430/830: Experimental Design (Fall 2021)
- STAT 337: Introduction to Biostatistics (Spring 2021)
- STAT 231: Statistics (Winter 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020)
- STAT 230: Probability (Fall 2018)
- STAT 202: Introductory Statistics for Scientists (Winter 2019, Winter 2021)