Hello! I'm currently a Masters student in Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo with Kanstantsin Pashkovich. I did my undergrad in Honors Computing Science at the University of Alberta, where I can thank Zachary Friggstad for helping guide me to the lovely world of algorithms and theoretical computer science.

Check out Asymptote, an open source vector graphics language I've done some work on. I'm also a fan of competitive programming. If you like fun problems you should check it out! Kattis and codeforces are good sources of problems and contests.

I am broadly interested in combinatorial optimization and approximation algorithms, and am currently researching problems with a game theory twist (namely contract theory, concerning the settings in which we can obtain approximation and complementary inapproximability results).

Here are a couple papers related to my recent work:
Multi-Agent Contracts
On the (In)approximability of Combinatorial Contracts

Also feel free to check out my personal site (tsko.ski) which has more pictures of my corgi, baking, projects, adventures, etc.

My hometown Edmonton is now investing $100 million into bike infrastructure (bike plan)! I think this is great news for infrastructure in the city. Also biking is great.