
  1. “Barriers and Opportunities to an Arctic Renewable Energy Transition”, June 1, 2021, Research Presentation, CASID Annual Conference, Online

  2. “Building Connections: New Doctoral Research in International Development”, June 1, 2021, Panel Facilitation, CASID Annual Conference, Online

  3. “Northern Lights: An Arctic Renewable Energy Framework”, February 22, 2021, Research Presentation, International Policy Ideas Challenge Symposium, Online

  4. "The Gender-Energy Nexus in Remote Communities", November 2019, Poster Presentation, Summit on Canada's Global Leadership, Ottawa, ON

  5. "Duty to cooperate: Guarani Aquifer and transboundary water system", September 2016, Presentation by Kaylia Little & Mary Crawford, International Conference on Sustainable Development, Columbia University, New York, USA