Awards & Grants


2014-2018Graduate Research Studentship (GRS)University of WaterlooC$ 90,000
2014-2018International Doctoral Student Award (IDSA)University of WaterlooC$ 50,000
2012-2014International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) M.Sc ScholarshipIRENAUS$ 70,000
2008-2012Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) B.Sc ScholarshipADNOCUS$ 110,000



Institutional Awards

Jan. 2017Faculty of Engineering AwardUniversity of WaterlooC$ 1,500
Sept. 2016Faculty of Engineering AwardUniversity of WaterlooC$ 1,500
Sept. 2015Faculty of Engineering AwardUniversity of WaterlooC$ 1,500
Jan. 2015Faculty of Engineering AwardUniversity of WaterlooC$ 1,500
Jun. 2014Institute's Outstanding Master Thesis AwardMasdar InstituteN/A
Jun. 2014Electrical Power Engineering Best Master Thesis AwardMasdar InstituteN/A
Jun. 2014Certificate of AcheivementIRENAN/A
Jun. 2014Certificate of Excellence for Outstanding Academic PerformanceMasdar InstituteN/A
May 2011Provost's ListThe Petroleum InstituteN/A




Mar. 2012Semi-Finalist5th MIT Enterprise Forum Arab Business Plan CompetitionN/A
May 20111st PlaceExxonMobil Energy Effcient Building CompetitionUS$ 500
May 20111st Place2nd Engineering Student Renewable Energy CompetitionUS$ 2000
May 2011FinalistSenior Design Project Competition, 6th IEEE UAE Student DayN/A
May 20102nd PlaceCommon Design Project, 5th IEEE UAE Student Day US$ 400



Travel Grants

Aug. 2017IEEE PES Student Congress FundingIEEE Power and Energy Society (PES)US$ 575
Jul. 2017Graduate Studies Research Travel AssistantshipUniversity of WaterlooC$ 500
Jul. 2017PES General Meeting Student Housing Support ProgramIEEE Power and Energy Society (PES)US$ 600
Apr. 2014Student Travel GrantMasdar InstituteUS$ 2,500
Apr. 2014PES T&D Student Housing Support ProgramPower and Energy Society (PES)US$ 500
Feb. 2012Student Travel GrantThe Petroleum InstituteUS$ 1,000