
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
Hare, K. E. , Hare, K. G. , & Troscheit, S. . (2020). Quasi-doubling of self-similar measures with overlaps. Journal of Fractal Geometry, 7(3), 233-270. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. . (Submitted). Self-similar measures with unusual local dimension properties. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Vavra, T. . (Submitted). Self-similar sets and self-similar measures in the $p$-adics. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Panju, M. . (2013). Some comments on Garsia numbers. Math. Comp., 82(282), 1197–1221. doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-2012-02636-6 garsiadatadegree40.txt.gz garsiasearch_0.java_.gz
Borwein, P. , & Hare, K. G. . (2002). Some computations on the spectra of Pisot and Salem numbers. Math. Comp., 71(238), 767–780. doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-01-01336-9
Hare, K. G. , & McKay, G. . (2016). Some properties of even moments of uniform random walks. INTEGERS: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , Masáková, Z. , & Vávra, T. . (2018). On the spectra of Pisot-cyclotomic numbers. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 108(7), 1729-1756. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Mossinghoff, M. J. . (2013). Sporadic Reinhardt polygons. Discrete Comput. Geom., 49(3), 540–557. doi:10.1007/s00454-012-9479-4
Hare, K. G. , Laishram, S. , & Stoll, T. . (2011). Stolarsky’s conjecture and the sum of digits of polynomial values. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 139(1), 39–49. doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-2010-10591-9
Hare, K. G. . (2004). The structure of the spectra of Pisot numbers. J. Number Theory, 105(2), 262–274. doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2003.10.001 p12_gaps.gz
Hare, K. G. , Laishram, S. , & Stoll, T. . (2011). The sum of digits of n and n2. Int. J. Number Theory, 7(7), 1737–1752. doi:10.1142/S1793042111004319
Dubickas, A. , Jankauskas, J. , & Hare, K. G. . (2017). There are no two non-real conjugates of a Pisot number with the same imaginary part. Math. Comp., 86, 935-950. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , Prodinger, H. , & Shallit, J. . (2014). Three series for the generalized golden mean. Fibonacci Quart., 52(4), 307–313. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. . (2009). Tiles in quasicrystals with quartic irrationality. Math. Comp., 78(265), 405–420. doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-08-02137-6
Hare, K. G. , & Noytaptim, C. . (Submitted). Totally real algebraic numbers in generalized Mandelbrot set. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Sidorov, N. . (2016). Two-dimensional self-affine sets with interior points, and the set of uniqueness. Nonlinearity, 29, 1–26. Retrieved from
Allouche, J. - P. , Frougny, C. , & Hare, K. G. . (2007). On univoque Pisot numbers. Math. Comp., 76(259), 1639–1660 (electronic). doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-07-01961-8
Hare, K. E. , Hare, K. G. , & Rutar, A. . (2021). When the Weak Separation Condition implies the Generalized Finite Type Condition. Proc. AMS, 149(4), 1555--1568. Retrieved from
Bell, J. P. , & Hare, K. G. . (2009). On Z-modules of algebraic integers. Canad. J. Math., 61(2), 264–281. doi:10.4153/CJM-2009-013-9
