I am Ken, a first year PhD Statistics (Biostatistics option) student at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Michael Wallace and Paul Marriott. My research interests are in precision medicine, dynamic treatment regimes, causal inference and measurement error.

I did my Masters of Mathematics, Statistics at the University of Waterloo, where my topic was on precision medicine with measurement error due to non-adherence to treatment. If you came across my profile and happen to want to know more about this program, look no further and read about my experience here!

For my undergraduate, I did a Bachelor of Arts with a Major of Mathematics and Minor in Statistics at the University of British Columbia. I completed the co-op program, gaining experience in the private, government and non-profit sectors.

I also did an exchange at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, where I also had the opporunity to travel around Australia. I believe that going on exchange is a great experience, and I encourage that you read more about my experience here!

Outside of my PhD program, I am currently involved as a community leader for Waterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. (WCRI), a housing co-operative.