
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Yu, Y., Xue, L., Au, M. Ho, Susilo, W., Ni, J., Zhang, Y., Vasilakos, A. V., et al. (2016). Cloud data integrity checking with an identity-based auditing mechanism from RSA. Future Generation Computer Systems, 62, 85–91. Elsevier.
Zang, L., Yu, Y., Xue, L., Li, Y., Ding, Y., & Tao, X.. (2017). Improved dynamic remote data auditing protocol for smart city security. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 21, 911–921. Springer.
Xue, L., Ni, J., Li, Y., & Shen, J.. (2017). Provable data transfer from provable data possession and deletion in cloud storage. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 54, 46–54. Elsevier.
Yu, Y., Xue, L., Li, Y., Du, X., Guizani, M., & Yang, B.. (2018). Assured data deletion with fine-grained access control for fog-based industrial applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14, 4538–4547. IEEE.
Xue, L., Liu, D., Ni, J., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2019). Balancing privacy and accountability for industrial mortgage management. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, 4260–4269. IEEE.
Huang, M., Yang, B., Zhao, Y., Liang, K., Xue, L., & Yang, X.. (2019). CCA-Secure Deterministic Identity-Based Encryption Scheme. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 25, 245–269. Graz University of Technology, Institut für Informationssysteme und Computer ….
Xue, L., Yu, Y., Li, Y., Au, M. Ho, Du, X., & Yang, B.. (2019). Efficient attribute-based encryption with attribute revocation for assured data deletion. Information Sciences, 479, 640–650. Elsevier.
Xue, L., Ni, J., Huang, C., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2019). Forward secure and fine-grained data sharing for mobile crowdsensing. In 2019 17th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) (pp. 1–9). IEEE.
Xue, L., Liu, D., Huang, C., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2020). Secure and privacy-preserving decision tree classification with lower complexity. Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 5, 16–25. PTP.
Xue, L., Liu, D., Ni, J., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2020). Consent-based privacy-preserving decision tree evaluation. In ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1–6). IEEE.
Zheng, D., Xue, L., Yu, C., Li, Y., & Yu, Y.. (2020). Toward assured data deletion in cloud storage. IEEE Network, 34, 101–107. IEEE.
Shen, X., Huang, C., Liu, D., Xue, L., Zhuang, W., Sun, R., & Ying, B.. (2021). Data management for future wireless networks: Architecture, privacy preservation, and regulation. IEEE Network, 35, 8–15. IEEE.
Liang, J., Qin, Z., Xue, L., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2021). Efficient and privacy-preserving decision tree classification for health monitoring systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8, 12528–12539. IEEE.
Song, F., Qin, Z., Xue, L., Zhang, J., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2021). Privacy-preserving keyword similarity search over encrypted spatial data in cloud computing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, 6184–6198. IEEE.
Liang, J., Qin, Z., Xue, L., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2021). Verifiable and secure SVM classification for cloud-based health monitoring services. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8, 17029–17042. IEEE.
Xue, L., Liu, D., Huang, C., Shen, X., Zhuang, W., Sun, R., & Ying, B.. (2022). Blockchain-based Data Sharing with Key Update for Future Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. IEEE.
Liu, D., Huang, C., Xue, L., Hou, J., Shen, X., Zhuang, W., Sun, R., et al. (2022). Authenticated and Prunable Dictionary for Blockchain-based VNF Management. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. IEEE.
Shen, X., Liu, D., Huang, C., Xue, L., Yin, H., Zhuang, W., Sun, R., et al. (2022). Blockchain for Transparent Data Management Toward 6G. Engineering, 8, 74–85. Elsevier.
Huang, C., Xue, L., Liu, D., Shen, X., Zhuang, W., Sun, R., & Ying, B.. (2022). Blockchain-assisted Transparent Cross-domain Authorization and Authentication for Smart City. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. IEEE.
Xue, L., Liu, D., Ni, J., Lin, X., & Shen, X.. (2022). Enabling Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement in Decentralized Anonymous Payment. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. IEEE.
