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Here is the YouTube link for a presentation by Neurodiversity Matters PI Meg Gibson, given online on November 5, 2021. You can find the slides attached.
What is neurodiversity and why does it matter? This talk presents findings from a research project about how people are using the idea and language of neurodiversity. The team interviewed 60 people who talked about neurodiversity in terms of their own identities, their work as service providers and educators, and/or their family relationships. People shared their hopes and fears about changing the way we value people in our society. Interviewees identified an urgent need to reframe identities and diagnoses (including autism, ADHD, learning disability, and others) as part of the human experience rather than pathologies to be “fixed”, and they shared the strategies and communities that can result from this shift. This talk will focus on research findings that relate to educational spaces, in particular, and include some of the suggestions that participants offered on how we can re-think our everyday practices to include more people and invite new ideas.