Emelko MB, 2025. Wildfire, Water Security & Public Health Protection: Recent Advances & Research Needs. Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA, February 21.
Emelko MB, 2025. Ensuring Climate Resilient Water Utilities. Global Center on Adaptation, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, February 6, Online.
Emelko MB, Bahramian S, Amiri F, 2024. Dissolved Organic Carbon after Severe Wildfire: Different Sources, Different Threats. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition (WQTC), Schaumburg, IL, USA, November 20 [WED01: Wildfire Impacts to Drinking-water Source Quality].
Emelko MB, 2024. Can Technology “Save” Us? Opportunities to Advance Water Security and Health in a Changing Climate. Balsillie School of International Affairs STEM for Global Resilience Research Cluster Coffee Chat Series, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, ON, Canada, November 7.
Emelko MB, Chowdhury O, Sun X, Kennington A, Schmidt PJ, Silins U, Stone M, 2024. Climate Change Increases the Frequency of Forest Fires – How Does This Impact Groundwater Quality? International Water Association’s (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 12 [Groundwater Forum – Session 3: Imminent Threats of a Groundwater-Based Water Supply].
Emelko MB, 2024. Climate Change, Water Security and Adaptation. 59th Central Canadian Water Quality Research Symposium, Western University, London, ON, Canada, April 9. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2024. Wildfire Threats to Water Quality and Treatability. Water and Wastewater Workshop, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, Dept. of Environment & Climate Change Water Resources Management, Gander, NF, Canada, March 26.
Emelko MB, 2024. Planning and Responding to Wildfire Threats to Water Quality and Treatability. Water and Wastewater Workshop, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, Dept. of Environment & Climate Change Water Resources Management, Gander, NF, Canada, March 26.
Emelko MB, 2023. Wildfire, Water Quality & Treatability: Modelling Approaches for Risk Management. Bulk Water Innovation Partnership (BWIP) Knowledge-Sharing Program, Isle Utilities, Sydney, Australia, December 6.
Blackburn EAJ, Walton T, Bedjera S, Mutti D, Ahmed A, Emelko MB, 2023. Ontario’s New Regulatory Guidance for Treatment of Subsurface Water Supplies Significantly Reduces Operational Burden for System Owners: A Region of Waterloo Case Study. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference (NWWC 2023), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, November 14 [E3: Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water: Shifting the Paradigm to Focus on Treatment Needs].
Emelko MB, 2023. Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water: Part II Scientific Principles and Process Followed. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference (NWWC 2023), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, November 14 [D3: Ontario’s New Guidance on Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water: Shifting the Paradigm to Focus on Treatment Needs].
Emelko MB, 2023. Managing Wildfire Threats to Water Quality & Treatability: Consensus & New Insights. Water Services Association of Australia Water Quality & Health Network meeting, Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia, November 2.
Emelko MB, 2023. Resilience & Decision-making in a Changing Climate: Insights from Wildfire-impacted Regions. Canadian Water Network, Blue Cities - Moving Forward Together: Improving our Health, Communities and Climate through Water, Toronto, ON, Canada, October 22-24.
Emelko MB, 2023. Proactive and Reactive Management of Wildfire Threats to Drinking Water: Putting it All Together. Wildfire Threats to Forested Drinking Water Supplies: Recent Advances & Opportunities in Understanding & Management, Water Research Foundation & forWater Network Workshop, Seattle, WA, USA, October 3.
Emelko MB, 2023. Water Safety Plan Development in a Changing Climate: Insights from Wildfire-prone Regions. 21st International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Darwin, NT, Australia, June 9.
Emelko MB, 2023. Safeguarding the Provision of Drinking Water in a Changing Climate with Integrated Green and Grey Infrastructure: Advances in Treatability Assessment and Source Water Protection, Brace Water Talks, McGill University, Hybrid event, Montreal, QC, May 3. Keynote.
Emelko MB, Chowdhury O, Sun X, Kennington A, Schmidt PJ, Silins U, Stone M, 2023. Wildfire Threats to Groundwater Supplies: Implications for Pathogen and Particulate Contaminant Transport in Porous Media. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 27.
Emelko MB, De Silva KS, Ballantyne L, Ruecker NJ, Anderson WB, Batista EJW, Anvari A, 2023. Pathogens, Emerging Contaminants, and Climate Change Adaptation: Chemically-Assisted Filtration Process Control is More Critical than Ever – Is Your System Ready? 2023 OWWA Treatment Seminar: Be the Hammer, Not the Nail – Building Water Treatment Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change, Mississauga, ON, Canada, March 23.
Emelko MB, 2022. New Challenges, New Contaminants, & New Technologies: Why the Old Foundations of Risk Management are More Important than Ever. University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, November 30. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2022. The forWater Network Partnership: Safeguarding the Provision of Drinking Water by Advancing “Active” Source Water Protection Focused on Treatability. The City of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, November 24. Keynote.
Silins U, Turner E, Stone M, Emelko MB, Dyck MF, Quideau SM, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Herlein K, 2022. Effects of Kenow & Lost Creek Fires on Rocky Mtn. Headwater Streams: How Much can be Generalized after Fire? Kenow Wildfire Research Symposium, Waterton Lakes National Park, AB, Canada, November 8-10.
Emelko MB, 2022. Managing Climate Change Threats to Drinking Water Security: Adaptation through Treatability Prioritization. University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, October 10. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2022. The City of Calgary, Spray Lake Sawmills, and the forWater Network: Groundbreaking Strategies for Ensuring Drinking Water Security in the BRB. Bow River Basin Council Educational & Networking Forum, Calgary, AB, Canada, September 13.
Emelko MB, 2022. The Role of Green and Grey Infrastructure in Water Resilience. Water Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, June 9.
Emelko MB, 2022. Fires, Floods & Hurricanes: Protecting Canadians by Identifying & Managing Threats to Safe Drinking Water. National Collaborating Centre on Environmental Health, May 26. Keynote.
Silins U, Anderson AE, Cherlet E, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Emelko MB, Fitzpatrick J, Hawthorn K, Herlein K, Krishnappan BG, Martens AM, Quideau SM, Spencer SA, Stone M, Wagner MJ, Williams CHS, 2022. Strategic Issues in Disturbance Hydrology of Alberta’s Eastern Slopes: Déjà Vu and Emerging Pressures. Foothills Research Institute, Water and Fish Program Workshop, Edmonton, AB, Canada, May 10.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Cooke C, Emmerton C, Williams CHS, Wagner M, Martens AM, Anderson AE, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Quideau SM, 2022. Wildfire Impacts to Water: How Much can we Generalize? Resilience Institute: Fire & Ice Program; Wildfire in a Changing World Workshop, April 22.
Ballantyne L, Emelko MB, Ruecker N, Anderson WB, 2022. Filtration Process Control for Pathogen Removal & Climate Change Adaptation. Water Research Foundation Research Broadcast, April 4.
Emelko MB, 2022. Some of the Biggest Treatment Threats Don't Start with 'Contamination': Climate Change Adaptation Insights from Wildfire Research that Extend Beyond Fire-Prone Systems. 2022 OWWA Treatment Webinar: Climate Conundrums – Water Treatment Adaptations from Source to Tap, March 24. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2022. Drinking Water Security, Climate Change Adaptation, and the Critical Role of River Hydraulics. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) National Student Conference, February 27. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2021. Drinking Water Security for All in a Changing Climate: The Need for Techno-ecological Approaches & Treatment Resilience. Impacts of Climate Change and the Role of Scientists Panel, Institute of Water Science Festival, UK, December 9.
Emelko MB, 2021. Techno-ecological Approaches for Treatment Resilience and Drinking Water Security in a Changing Climate. WESTalks, University of British Columbia, December 2. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2021. Source Water Protection and Climate Change Adaptation for Treatment Resilience. Singapore International Water Week, June 29 [TW.12 Climate Change, Water Quality and Health].
Emelko MB, Silins U, 2021. Effects of Landscape Disturbance on Alberta’s Water Supplies: Source Water Protection and Adaptation in a Warmer World. Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Annual General Meeting, June 15. Keynote.
Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U, Skwaruk J, Shardlow T, Emmerton CA, Cooke C, Schmidt PJ, 2021. Drinking Water Treatment after Severe Wildfire at the Large Basin Scale: Insights, Challenges, and Successes. AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE'21), In person & Online San Diego, CA, USA, June 15 [VS2_18 Wildfire Impacts on Treatment and Distribution Systems].
Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Yang A, Shardlow T, Kwok A, Silins U, Knezic N, 2020. Particulate Phosphorus Characterization along the River Continuum Indicates the Importance of Fine Sediment Management to Drinking Water Treatability. AGU20 Fall Meeting Online, December 9 [Poster H061-0005].
Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U, Skwaruk JS, Shardlow T, Emmerton CA, Cooke C, Schmidt PJ, 2020. Water Quality & Treatability after Severe Wildfire: Planning for Water Supply & Treatment Resilience. After the Flames: Post-fire Water Quality Impacts & Mitigation, Coalitions & Collaboratives, Colorado, USA, December 3. Webinar.
Emelko MB, 2020. Wildfire and Pathogen Threats to Water in Alberta. Alberta Innovates' 2020 Water Innovation Connect Webinar Series: Municipal Water Management in a Changing World, November 18. Webinar.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2020. Bushfire Response—Linking Long-term Monitoring & Impacts: A Canadian Perspective. Water Services Association of Australia, April 8. Webinar, Keynote.
Emelko MB, Ahmed A, Mutti D, Sokolowski A, 2020. The Complete Draft GUDI Terms of Reference: Guidance Document to Determine Minimum Treatment for Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems using Subsurface Raw Water Supplies. Ontario Water Works Association Groundwater & Source Water Protection Seminar, Mississauga, ON, Canada, March 4. Keynote.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, Adamowicz W, Anderson A, Cherlet E, Collins C, Cooke C, Dupont D, Dyck M, Emmerton C, Flannigan M, Hawthorn K, Krishnappan B, Martens A, Parisien M, Robinne F, Quideau S, Wagner M, Wang X, Williams CHS, 2020. Effects of Wildfire on Alberta’s Water Supplies: Source Water Protection in a Warmer World. Bow River Basin Council Legislation and Policy Workshop – Land Use Effects on Water Quality, Cochrane, AB, February 21. Keynote.
Emelko MB, Chik AHS, Anderson WB, Spanjers MG, Thompson J, 2020. The Value of Integrated Monitoring Strategies for Process Evaluation and Optimization: Classical & Subsurface Biofiltration Cases. AWWA International Symposium on Biological Treatment, Atlanta, GA, USA, February 13.
Emelko MB, Mutti D, Ahmed A, Sokolowski A, 2019. Recent Changes to the GUDI Terms of Reference. South-Central Ontario Water Works Association Conference, Kitchener, ON, Canada, October 30. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2019. Re-thinking Drinking Water Security: Are Outdated Policies and Technology Concepts Precluding Scientific Advancement and Public Health Protection? McMaster Water Week, Hamilton, ON, Canada, October 29. Plenary Keynote.
Emelko MB, Mutti D, Ahmed A, Sokolowski A, 2019. The Complete Draft GUDI Terms of Reference: Guidance Document to Determine Minimum Treatment for Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems using Subsurface Raw Water Supplies. Western Ontario Water Works Conference, London, ON, Canada, October 2. Keynote.
Emelko MB, Mutti D, Ahmed A, Sokolowski A, 2019. Newly Amended TOR for the Determination of Minimum Treatment for Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems using Subsurface Raw Water Supplies. Professional Geoscientists Ontario, September 24. Webinar, Keynote.
Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U, 2019. Managing Drinking Water Treatability Threats from Algal Proliferation from the Source to Plant Intake. Canadian Water Network (CWN) Webinar: Managing Algal Blooms-Watershed Management Approaches, September 18.
Emelko MB, Stone M, Silins U, Müller KM, 2019. Drinking Water Treatability and Treatment: What’s Missing in Risk Management? Pre-conference Workshop: Strategies for Assessing Risks and Achieving Active Source Water Protection. Western Canada Water Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada, September 17.
Stone M, Silins U, Emelko MB, Williams CHS, Watt C, Yang A, Allin D, 2019. Watershed Monitoring for Source Water Protection: What You Don’t Want to Miss. Pre-conference Workshop: Strategies for Assessing Risks and Achieving Active Source Water Protection, Western Canada Water Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada, September 17.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Adamowicz W, Anderson A, Bladon KD, Cherlet E, Collins AL, Cooke C, Dupont D, Dyck M, Emmerton C, Flannigan M, Hawthorn K, Herlein K, Krishnappan B, Martens A, Parisien M, Robinne F, Quideau S, Wagner M, Wang X, Williams CHS, 2019. Natural Disturbance Risks to Alberta’s Source Waters: Source Water Protection in a Warming World. Pre-conference Workshop: Strategies for Assessing Risks and Achieving Active Source Water Protection, Western Canada Water Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada, September 17.
Emelko MB, 2019. AEESP Lecture: More Important than Ever: Drinking Water Treatability and Resilience Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation. AWWA's Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE), Denver, CO, USA, June 10. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2019. Modeling Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies. CWWA's Window on Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 3. Panel discussion.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2019. Water Quality and Treatability in a Changing Climate. B.C. Climate Action Secretariat, April 18. Keynote.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2019. Ensuring Safe, Secure Drinking Water when Extreme Events are the New Normal: Strategies Learned from Research and Practice. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association Annual Conference, Banff, AB, Canada, March 15.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2019. Water Disinfection in Extreme Conditions: Wildfire Threats to Public Health. Beyond the Textbook: Disinfecting Water and Wastewater in Extreme Conditions, Water Environment Federation, March 8.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Williams CHS, Wagner MJ, Martens AM, Hawthorn K, Spencer SA, Shams S, Geng X, Allin D, Adamowicz W, Flannigan MD, Dupont D, Parisien MA, Bladon KD, Wang X, Robinne FN, Anderson A, Collins AL, Dyck M, Krishnappan BG, 2019. Effects of Wildfire on Alberta’s Water Supplies. Alberta Water Council Board of Directors meeting, Edmonton, AB, Canada, February 28.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Williams CHS, Wagner MJ, Martens AM, Hawthorn K, Spencer SA, Adamowicz W, Anderson A, Collins AL, Dyck M, Krishnappan BG, Müller KM, Quideau S, 2019. Watershed Resistance and Resilience to Extreme Events: Insights from Wildfire and Flooding in Alberta. 56th Annual Alberta Soil Science Workshop, Calgary, AB, Canada, February 20. Plenary.
Chik AHS, Schmidt PJ, Emelko MB, 2019. Avoid Bias: A Zero by Any Other Name is Still a Zero. Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks. November 27. Keynote Seminar (over 100 participants in person and internationally).
Emelko MB, 2018. Global Drinking Water Security: Climate Change Threats and Adaptation Strategies. Water Institute Research Conference 2018 - Breaking Boundaries in Water Research, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, September 24.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Adamowicz V, Anderson A, Collins AL, Dupont D, Dyck M, Krishnappan BG, Mueller K, Quideau S, Wagner MJ, Williams CHS, Karpyshin S, Martens AM, Hawthorn K, Herlein K, 2018. Southern Rockies Watershed Project: Forested Source Water Protection in Alberta's Eastern Slopes. Red Deer River Municipal Users Group, Drumheller, AB, Canada, September 20.
Silins U, Wagner MJ, Martens AM, Hawthorn K, Williams CHS, Karpyshin S, Herlein K, Emelko MB, Stone M, Dyck M, Quideau S, Bladon KD, Anderson A, Adamowicz W, Collins AL, 2018. Fires, Flooding, and Forestry: Aquatic Ecosystem Resilience in Alberta's Rocky Mountain Streams. 110th Canadian Institute of Forestry Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting, Grande Prairie, AB, Canada, September 18-20.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, 2018. Water in Alberta's Eastern Slopes: Effects of Fire, Flooding, and Forestry. Government of Alberta, July 26. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2018. forWater: NSERC Network for Forested Drinking Water Source Protection Technologies. TU Vienna, Austria, June 21. Keynote.
Emelko MB, Stone M, Silins U, 2018. Wildfire Threats to Water Security: Source-to-tap Case Studies from Western Canada. College of Science Seminar Series, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, May 8. Keynote.
Nunes JP, Doerr SH, Sheridan G, Neris J, Santín C, Emelko MB, Silins U, Robichaud PR, Elliot WJ, Keizer J, 2018. A Coherent Framework to Assess Water Contamination Risk following Vegetation Fires. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2018) - Understanding, Predicting and Preventing Post-fire Hydrologic and Erosive Risks in Fire-affected Areas session, Vienna, Austria, April 8-13. Keynote.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Williams CHS, Herlein KD, Martens AM, 2018. Mine the Data—Mind the Resource: Déjà vu or Grand Challenge for Alberta's Water Managers? Canadian Water Resources Association Alberta Branch Conference: Mine the Data - Mind the Resource, Red Deer, AB, Canada, March 25-27. Plenary keynote.
Emelko MB, Jin C, 2018. Advancing Filtration Theory: Concurrent Contributions of Media Roughness and Ionic Strength on Particle Deposition. Chemistry of Water Treatment: Symposium in honor of Desmond F. Lawler, ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 18.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2018. Wildfire, Water Quality, & Drinking Water: Experiences in Canada. Payments for Ecosystem Services: Forests for Water, European Union COST Action, Lisbon, Portugal, February 14.
Stone M, Emelko MB, Silins U, Martens A, Williams CHS, Collins AL, 2018. Sediment-phosphorus Legacy Effects of Wildfire in Large River Systems: A Canadian Case Study. Payments for Ecosystem Services: Forests for Water, European Union COST Action, Lisbon, Portugal, February 14.
Doerr SH, Nunes JP, Sheridan G, Neris J, Santin C, Emelko MB, Silins U, Robichaud PR, Elliot WJ, Keizer J, 2018. When the Smoke Clears the Waters Muddy – Vegetation Fire Impacts on Water Resources and How Science Can Help. TERRAenVISION Environmental Issues Today: Scientific Solutions for Societal Issues Conference, University of Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, January 30. Plenary keynote.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2017. Wildfire Impacts on Watersheds and Drinking Water Supply and Treatment. First Nations Health Authority and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Annual Joint Meeting, November 29. Webinar, Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2017. The Strategic Importance of Canada’s Forests in National Drinking Water Security. 78th Forest Industry Lecture Series (FILS), University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, November 2. Distinguished Lecture Keynote Seminar.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Adamowicz W, Dupont D, Flannigan M, Dyck M, Cooke C, Williams CHS, Herlein KD, Martens AM, Hawthorn K, Wagner MJ, Collins AL, Krishnappan BA, Bladon KD, 2017. Wildfire Impacts on Rocky Mountain Source Waters in Alberta. Canadian Water Resources Association Webinar (nationally broadcast), September 19. Keynote.
Sillins U, Emelko MB, 2017. Wildfire Impacts on Watersheds and Drinking Water Supply and Treatment. Wildfire and Water Quality Workshop, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development, Kamloops, BC, Canada, September 12. Keynote Seminar.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2017. Wildfire, Watersheds, and Drinking Water. British Columbia Ministry of Health, Health Protection Branch Webinar, June 21. Keynote.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Bladon KD, Williams CHS, Martens AM, Wagner MJ, Stone M, Spencer SA, 2017. Ecohydrological Drivers of Watershed Resilience: Crystal Balling Nitrogen Production a Decade after Wildfire and Beyond. Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) and Canadian Society for Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (CSAFM) Joint Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 28-31.
Emelko MB, 2017. Achieving Resilience: Preparation, Response, and Recovery from Water Crises. Canadian Water Network (CWN) Blue Cities 2017 - Leveraging the Untapped Potential for Water Management, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 17.
Emelko MB, 2017. Fires, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters: Climate Change Threats to Water Across Canada. Nature Unleashed Dialogs, The Museum, Kitchener, ON, Canada, February 5. Distinguished Lecturer Seminar.
Stone M, Silins U, Emelko MB, Bladon KD, Collins A, Krishnappan B, 2017. Watershed Science on Fire: Insights from a Long-term, Large Scale Watershed Research Platform in Southern Alberta. Woo Water Lecture (Distinguished Lecture Series), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, January 18. Plenary keynote.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Adamowicz V, Anderson A, Boxall P, Collins A, Dupont D, Dyck M, Krishnappan B, Sear D, Stone M, 2016. Healthy Forests and Resilient Communities. Alberta Innovates Tech Talks, Calgary, AB, Canada, November 30.
Emelko MB, Ahmed A, 2016. Changing Ontario’s Proposed New Terms of Reference for GUDI: Making the Scientific Case and Emphasizing Key Differences from U.S. Policies. U.S. EPA Conference on Aerobic Spores & Other Microbial Indicators to Determine Ground Water under the Direct influence of Surface Water (GWUDI), Riverside, CA, USA, September 6-8.
Emelko MB, Mesquita MMF, 2016. Propagation and Purification of Bacillus sp. Endospores for Water Treatment Process Performance Evaluation: Implications to Subsurface Transport. U.S. EPA Conference on Aerobic Spores & Other Microbial Indicators to Determine Ground Water under the Direct influence of Surface Water (GWUDI), Riverside, CA, USA, September 6-8.
Emelko MB, Chik AHS, Stimson J, Mesquita MMF, McLellan N, 2016. Field Observations of Microbial Transport in the Presence and Absence of Bacillus subtilis Endospores. U.S. EPA Conference on Aerobic Spores & Other Microbial Indicators to Determine Ground Water under the Direct influence of Surface Water (GWUDI), Riverside, CA, USA, September 6-8.
Stone M, Krishnappan BG, Silins U, Emelko MB, Williams CHS, Martens AM, Collins AF, 2016. Modelling Flow and Cohesive Sediment Transport in Wildfire Impacted Watersheds: Implications for Reservoir Management. International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)—International Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE) Symposium, North Wyke, Okehampton, UK, July 11-15.
Stone M, Emelko MB, Silins U, Collins AF, Williams CHS, Martens AM, Bladon KD, 2016. Impact of Wildfire on Phosphorus Speciation and Sorption Behaviour of Sediment in Alberta Rivers. IAGLR 59th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Guelph, ON, Canada, June 6-10.
Emelko MB, 2016. Changing Climate and Water Supply Resiliency: Finding Another New Normal. Canadian Water Network (CWN) Blue Cities 2016 – Water Resiliency for the New Normal, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 18.
Emelko MB, 2016. Threats to Global Drinking Water Security from Climate Change. Water Institute Research Symposium, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, April 28.
Emelko MB, 2016. How Partnerships Can Advance Sustainable Management and Use of Water. Sarnia-Lambton Water Symposium, Sarnia, ON, Canada, April 14.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2015. Implications of Forest Disturbance to Drinking Water Supply and Treatability. Sustaining Alberta’s Forested Headwaters: Science Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada, November 26.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, 2015. Coupled Sediment, Nutrient, and Stream Ecological Responses to Disturbance in the Headwaters. Sustaining Alberta’s Forested Headwaters: Science Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada, November 26.
Stone M, Silins U, Emelko MB, 2015. Linking Downstream River Condition to Disturbance in the Headwaters. Sustaining Alberta’s Forested Headwaters: Science Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada, November 26.
Emelko MB, 2015. Understanding New Risks: Issues at the Source. Canadian Water Network Municipal Consortium Leadership Group Meeting, Montréal, QC, Canada, November 6.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, 2015. Extreme Events: Is this Really the New Normal? Canadian Water Network “Changing Climate, Watershed Disturbance, and Risks to Municipal Waterworks” Webinar, November 3.
Stone M, Silins U, Emelko MB, 2015. Does What Happens up on the Pile of Rocks Really Affect Me? Canadian Water Network “Changing Climate, Watershed Disturbance, and Risks to Municipal Waterworks” Webinar, November 3.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2015. Fires, Floods, and Other Disturbances: Are the Treatment Challenges the Same? Canadian Water Network “Changing Climate, Watershed Disturbance, and Risks to Municipal Waterworks” Webinar, November 3.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Flannigan M, Dupont D, Bladon KD, Wang X, Robinne FN, Parisien MA, Adamowicz W, Boxall P, Renzetti S, Tymstra C, Schroeder D, Thompson D, de Groot B, Kienzle S, Reid D, Wolford D, Stone M, Waddington M, Devito K, Wotton M, 2015. Mitigating the Impacts of Events: Source Water Protection through Watershed Management. Canadian Water Network “Changing Climate, Watershed Disturbance, and Risks to Municipal Waterworks” Webinar, November 3.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2015. Wildfire Examples: What We Wish We’d Known and What We’ve Done. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, October 25-28.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2015. Fires and Floods – Expected and Unexpected Differences and Impacts on Treatability. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, October 25-28.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, 2015. Extreme Events – Is this Really the “New Normal”? CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference,Whistler, BC, Canada, October 25-28.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, 2015. Mitigating the Impacts of Events 1: Active Source Water Protection through Watershed Management. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, October 25-28.
Stone M, Silins U, Emelko MB, 2015. Does What Happens Up in the Pile of Rocks Really Affect Me? CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, October 25-28.
Emelko MB, Charlebois G, Mesquita MMF, 2015. Dissolved Organic Carbon and the Challenges of Microcystin Treatment. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, October 25-28.
Emelko MB, Crumb J, Stone M, Mesquita MMF, 2015. Reservoir Management to Mitigate Algal Bloom Risks. CWWA National Water and Wastewater Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, October 25-28.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Flannigan M, Dupont D, Bladon KD, Wang X, Robinne FN, Parisien MA, Adamowicz W, Boxall P, Renzetti S, Tymstra C, Schroeder D, Thompson D, de Groot B, Kienzle S, Reid D, Wolford D, Stone M, Waddington M, Devito K, Wotton M, 2015. Management of Wildfire Risk to Downstream Municipal Drinking Water Treatment in Alberta. Alberta Environment and Parks, Drinking Water Data Summit, September 3.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Flannigan M, Dupont D, Bladon KD, Wang X, Robinne FN, Parisien MA, Adamowicz W, Boxall P, Renzetti S, Tymstra C, Schroeder D, Thompson D, de Groot B, Kienzle S, Reid D, Wolford D, Stone M, Waddington M, Devito K, Wotton M, 2015. Management of Wildfire Risk to Downstream Municipal Drinking Water Treatment in Alberta. Canadian Water Network, Annual Board Meeting, July 19.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Flannigan M, Dupont D, Bladon KD, Wang X, Robinne FN, Parisien MA, Adamowicz W, Boxall P, Renzetti S, Tymstra C, Schroeder D, Thompson D, de Groot B, Kienzle S, Reid D, Wolford D, Stone M, Waddington M, Devito K, Wotton M, 2015. Management of Wildfire Risk to Downstream Municipal Drinking Water Treatment in Alberta. Global Water Research Coalition, Ottawa, ON, Canada, March 13.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Bladon KD, Anderson A, 2015. Extreme Events: Is this Really the New Normal? Fires, Floods and Other Extreme Events: Is Your Utility Ready? 40th Annual Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association Conference, Banff, AB, Canada, March 9.
Stone M, Silins U, Emelko MB, 2015. Does What Happens up in the Pile of Rocks Really Affect Me? 40th Annual Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association Conference, Banff, AB, Canada, March 9.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, 2015. Fires and Floods – Expected and Unexpected Differences and Impacts on Treatability. 40th Annual Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association Conference, Banff, AB, Canada, March 9.
Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Bladon KD, Anderson A, 2015. Active Source Water Protection through Watershed Management. 40th Annual Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association Conference, Banff, AB, Canada, March 9.
Emelko MB, 2015. The Colorado High Park Fire: What We Wish We’d Known and What We’ve Done. Fires, Floods and Other Extreme Events: Is Your Utility Ready? 40th Annual Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association Conference, Banff, AB, Canada, March 9.
Emelko MB, Silins U, 2014. Forests, Wildfire, and Drinking Water Security: A Mandate for Active Source Water Protection. International Wildland Fire Conference, Halifax, NS, Canada, October 7-9. Keynote address.
Emelko MB, 2014. Emerging Chemical Contaminants: State of the Science. Water Research Foundation Workshop on Emerging Contaminants,Toronto, ON, Canada, October 7.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Bladon KD, Stone M, 2014. Linking Upstream Watershed Activity to Downstream Treatment Performance (This Month’s DOC may not be Last Month’s DOC). Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) Spring Treatment Seminar, Etobicoke, ON, Canada, March 27. Keynote address.
Stone M, Silins U, Emelko MB, Bladon KD, 2014. Large Scale Landscape Disturbance by Wildfire on Water Quality in the Oldman River Basin, Alberta. Water Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, March 12.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Bladon KD, Stone M, 2013. Post-fire DOC, DBPs and Nutrients:
Justifying and Achieving Robust Treatment. American Water Works Association Water Quality and Technology Conference 2013, Long Beach, CA, USA, November 3-7.
Ahmed AS, Emelko MB, 2013. Updating of GUDI Terms of Reference Document to Determine Minimum Treatment Requirements for Well-based Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems. WOMWA Meeting, Woodstock, ON, Canada, October 30.
Ahmed AS, Emelko MB, 2013. Updating of GUDI Terms of Reference Document to Determine Minimum Treatment Requirements for Well-based Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems. Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) Fall Groundwater Workshop, Vaughan, ON, Canada, October 9.
Ahmed AS, Emelko MB, Chik AHS, 2013. Updating of GUDI Terms of Reference Document to Determine Minimum Treatment Requirements for Well-based Municipal Residential Drinking Water Systems. OWWA/OMWA Joint Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 5-8.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Bladon KD, Stone M, 2013. The Lost Creek Wildfire of Southern Alberta, Canada: 10 years, 7 Watersheds and Continued Impacts. Water Research Foundation (WRF) Workshop: Wildfire Readiness and Response Workshop – Is your utility prepared? Denver, CO, USA, April 4.
Emelko MB, 2013. Assessing Pathogen Transport and Risk in Natural and Engineered Systems. Sustainable Bedrock Supplies for Ontario Communities, Ontario Research Fund (ORF) Symposium, Guelph, ON, Canada, March 1.
Emelko MB, 2012. Groundwater under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GUDI): Shifting the Paradigm. International Conference on Assessing Pathogen Fate, Transport and Risk in Natural and Engineered Water Treatment, Banff, AB, Canada, September 23.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Bladon KD, Stone M, 2012. Wildfires and Drinking Water Treatment: A Spectrum of Headwaters Issues and Their Critical Relevance to Municipal Waterworks. International Commission on Continental Erosion & International Association of Hydrological Science, Wildfire and Water Quality: Processes, Impacts and Challenges, Banff, AB, Canada, June 12. Keynote address.
Bladon KD, Silins U, Stone M, Emelko MB, Boon S, 2011. Watershed Disturbance by Wildfire and Salvage Logging: The Legacy of Effects on Hydrology, Heavy Metals, Nutrients, and Aquatic Ecology. Coldwater Indian Band Water Working Group, Merritt, BC, Canada, November 17.
Bladon KD, Silins U, Stone M, Emelko MB, Boon S, 2011. After the Fire’s Out: The Legacy of Wildfire Effects on Hydrology, Water Quality, and Aquatic Ecosystems. Environmental Sciences Seminar Series, Kamloops, BC, Canada, October 27.
Bladon KD, Silins U, Stone M, Emelko MB, Boon S, 2011. Ecohydrology: Sustainable Water Resource and Ecosystem Management. Eco-Health, Ecosystems, and Watersheds Workshop. Merritt, BC, Canada, October 18-19.
Emelko MB, Silins U, Bladon KD, Stone M, 2010. Water Quality, Treatability, and Mitigation: Implications of a 7-Year Post-Wildfire Case Study. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Water Quality and Technology Conference, Savannah, GA, USA, November 14.
Emelko MB, 2010. Cryptosporidium and Potential Surrogate Removal by Bank Filtration at the Woolner Wellfield, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. USEPA Symposium on Ground Water-borne Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Etiologic Agents and Indicators, Washington, DC, USA, January 26.
Emelko MB, 2009. Climate Change: Drinking Water Treatability Implications of Changes in Particle Loads and Characteristics. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, June 17.
Emelko MB, 2009. Wildfire Impacts on Drinking Water Treatability. Wildfire and Watershed Hydrology Workshop, Kelowna, BC, Canada, June 4.
Emelko MB, 2008. Quantitative Microbiological and Statistical Approaches for Reporting and Regulating Waterborne Parasites. 2nd Annual International Southern Tropical Medicine Conference and 44th Annual Conference of the Brazilian Tropical Medicine Society, Porto Alegre, RGS, Brazil, March 7.
Emelko MB, 2007. Improved Water Quality by RBF: Beyond Microbial Reductions. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 26.
Emelko MB, 2006. Rigorous Quantitative Demonstration of Pathogen Removal by Drinking Water Treatment Processes: A Series of Case Studies. Brace Lecture Series, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada, November 17.
Emelko MB, Chang JS, Dickson SE, 2006. Treatment of Drinking Water with Pulsed Arc Electrohydraulic Discharge: Promising Outcomes and Future Challenges. Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Air and Water Treatment by Green Oxidation/Reduction Technologies (AP-AWTGORT), Dalian, Liao’ning China, September 7.
Emelko MB, 2006. Filter Operation Effects on Pathogen Passage: A Case Study Providing Guidance for Reporting and Regulating Pathogen Concentrations and Removals and Demonstrating Pathogen Removal by Drinking Water Treatment Processes. École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 23. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2005. Reporting and Regulating Cryptosporidium Removals and Concentrations. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA, February 28.
Emelko MB, 2005. Assessing Pathogen Removal during Drinking Water Treatment. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA, February 28.
Emelko MB, 2004. Cryptosporidium and Giardia Regulatory Development in North America. International Symposium on Emerging Waterborne Pathogens, Campinas, SP, Brazil, November 2. Keynote.
Emelko MB, 2004. Quantifying the Reliability of Pathogen Data. International Symposium on Emerging Waterborne Pathogens, Campinas, SP, Brazil, November 2.
Emelko MB, 2004. Pathogen Removal during Water Treatment. International Symposium on Emerging Waterborne Pathogens, Campinas, SP, Brazil, November 2.
Emelko MB, 2004. Full-Scale Quantification of Particle Removal and Quantification of System Failure Risk. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, June 15.
Emelko MB, 2003. Riverbank Filtration: Research Needs. U.S. National Water Research Institute (NWRI) Second International Conference on Riverbank Filtration, Cincinnati, OH, USA, September 18.
Emelko MB, 2002. Filter Operation Effects on Pathogen Removal. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 20.
Emelko MB, 2001. Cryptosporidium and Microsphere Removal During Low Turbidity End-of-Run and Early Breakthrough Filtration. Chesapeake Section American Water Works Association (AWWA) Conference, Washington, DC, USA, November 16.
Emelko MB, 2001. Cryptosporidium Removal by Filtration. Brazilian Conference on Water Treatment, Campinas, SP, Brazil, August 13. Keynote.