Marcela Bomfim - PhD Candidate

I am currently a doctoral researcher at the University of Waterloo in the School of Public Health and Health Systems. My research focuses on exploring gameful design to improve food literacy and healthy dietary behaviours.

Work Experience

PhD Researcher at University of Waterloo, Canada

September 2016 - Present

Designed and developed a gameful Android app to help students select healthier foods while grocery shopping.
Currently working on the design of gameful systems to improve Food Literacy among people through its different stages. From planning and selecting to preparing and consuming foods.

Teaching Assistant at University of Waterloo, Canada

September 2016 - Present

- Public Health Nutrition (HLTH355)
- Health Informatics (HLTH230)
- Human-Computer Interaction (MSCI343)
- Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases (HLTH442)

UX/UI Designer at Tecgraf/PUC-Rio, Brazil

March 2013 - August 2016

Worked as a User Experience Designer, closely with a development team in an agile development environment. This team develops a 3D CAD/CAE Visualization Software for a big oil and gas company in Brazil that supports engineering processes.

- Worked directly with clients requirements, prioritising features to solve their's needs;
- Worked closely with the development team to ensure our solutions had the best user experience and functionalities;
- Elaborated wireframes, mockups and prototypes for the development team;
- Prepared and conducted software training for users;
- Evaluated the software through observation of use and user's feedbacks;
- Lead a team that uses our 3D CAD/CAE visualisation software to create and categorise areas for the application of anti-corrosive painting on platforms for a big oil and gas company in Brazil.

UX/UI Researcher at Tecgraf/PUC-Rio, Brazil

February 2011 - February 2013

Thesis title: "Evaluation of 2D-3D visualization and attention management techniques for the operation of industrial plants".

The main objective of my research was to provide an environment to support a scenario of industrial plants monitoring in real time, exploring techniques of information visualization and scientific data in an integrated environment that mixed 2D and 3D visualizations, determining how important information would be displayed to call the user’s attention through warnings about risky situations. Thus, my study’s main research question was to investigate ways of combining these techniques and propose ways to handle the occlusion, the difficulties of navigation in the 3D environment and different ways to draw the user’s attention, considering both the events that are in his field of vision as those who are outside of his field of view (due to the possibility of free navigation).

Intern at Tecgraf/PUC-Rio, Brazil

September 2007 - January 2011

Participated in the development team of Environ, a 3D CAD/CAE Visualization Software for a big oil and gas company in Brazil.

Nutritionist, Self-Employed

July 2005 – December 2006

Worked with clients making improvements in their eating habits and making personalized diet plans according to specific health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes or hypertension.

Clinical Nutritionist, Ordem do Carmo Hospital, RJ – Brazil

July 2006 – August 2006

Worked directly with patients of the hospital with all kinds of pathologies, prescribing diets according to their dietary needs.


University of Waterloo, Canada

PhD Candidate, School of Public Health and Health Systems

In progress. Expected graduation: 2021.

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

M.Sc., Human-Computer Interaction

Thesis title: “Evaluation of 2D-3D visualization and attention management techniques for the operation of industrial plants”.

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

B.Sc., Computer Information Systems

For my conclusion project (Final Project) I developed "A Tool for Management of SCRUM Projects".

This project was aimed at developing Agile Project Management Development software based on Scrum. This software was designed to meet the needs of the “Engineering Automation Cel” (CAE) group of TecGraf laboratory directly focused on the Scrum methodology, the purpose was to be easy to use and have a simple interface, in order to offer more satisfaction and return during the process of developing software in this environment.


Estacio de Sa University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

M.Sc., Sports Nutrition

Final paper: “Comparison of the body composition, food intake and body schema of low-income teenage contemporary dancers and middle-class teenage ballet dancers".

Estacio de Sa University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

B.Sc., Nutrition

Final paper: “Profile of users with hypertension treated in the family health program”.

Volunteer Jobs

- Student Volunteer at CHI 2019 Conference, May 4-9, 2019.

- Co-organized the Global Game Jam Winter 2018 and Game Jam Spring 2018 events at the University of Waterloo with The Games Institute. January and May 2018.

- Volunteered at EQUALS Conference 2017.

- Volunteered at PLAY with The Games Institute. June 3, 2017.



Honourable Mention Award

April 2020

For the paper "Food Literacy while Shopping: Motivating Informed Food Purchasing Behaviour with a Situated Gameful App". CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Research Dissemination Award

April 12, 2018

For presenting at GRADTalks: Gamification. University of Waterloo, ON – Canada. 


Key Skills

  • User Interface Design
  • User Experience
  • Software Development
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Android Development
  • Gameful Design
  • Health Technologies