Accepted talk at the IAAI-19 Conference : Artificial Counselor System for Stock Investment

Presentation Date: 

Thursday, January 31, 2019


Honolulu, Hawaii

Investment Councillor Architecture

I will be presenting the paper "Artificial Counselor System for Stock Investment" coauthored by students Hadi NekoeiQachkanloo, Benyamin Ghojogh, Ali Saheb Pasand at the Thirty-First Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-19) co-located with the annual AAAI conference. Slides will be made available closer to the event.

Date: Jan 31, 2018

Timeslot: 2-3:30pm session


  • Investment Councillor Architecture
StockInvestPaper.pdf2.05 MB
See also: Prediction