
Fighting Fire with AI: Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Modelling and Decision Making in Wildfire Management, at Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Friday, November 17, 2017:
I was invited to speak at this week-long workshop at the fabulous BIRS facility in Banff Alberta. The workshop was entitled "Forest and Wildland Fire Management: a Risk Management Perspective" which brought together a wide range of experts and stakeholders from across Canada as well as some researchers from around the world to discuss the latest research on Forest Fire Management. It was an incredibly productive week that built many new connections. Read more about Fighting Fire with AI: Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Modelling and Decision Making in Wildfire Management
Using Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning to Tame Spatially Spreading Processes, at University of Waterloo, Wednesday, October 25, 2017

This was an invited talk for the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI) seminar series. The talk was recorded and can be watched from WICI's website here.


Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) allow us to learn predictive models and control policies for larger, more complex systems than ever before. However, some important real world domains such as...

Read more about Using Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning to Tame Spatially Spreading Processes
BIRC Workshop On Deep Learning In Medicine, at University Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday, August 28, 2017:

This all-day workshop brough together researchers, students and medical professionals from medical imaging, image processing and machine learning to discuss what the new class of machine learning algorithms known collectively as Deep Learning are, how they are and could be used for medicine and what the impacts for medicine as a whole are of this technology. The workshop was hosted by the Biomedical Imaging Research Centre (BIRC) at the University of Western Ontario. I gave an introductory...

Read more about BIRC Workshop On Deep Learning In Medicine
Big Metadata : Machine Learning on Encrypted Communications, at San Francisco, USA, Friday, February 17, 2017:

This talk presented the results of the NRC-IRAP/OCE-VIP funded industry collaboration with ISG Inc. It was a highlighted talk in the program and part of a very well attended stream on the growing importance of applying machine learning to security problems.

Presented by Jennifer Fernick and Mark Crowley at RSA Conference 2017.

Read more about Big Metadata : Machine Learning on Encrypted Communications
